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    How ‘Agricultural Intelligence’ Is Using Tech to Fight Climate Change

    How ‘Agricultural Intelligence’ Is Using Tech to Fight Climate Change

    By Karn Manhas Wildfires across North America, Europe and Australia. Animal species dying out at unprecedented rates. Extreme weather events. Rising sea levels. Climate change, long an invisible menace, exacted a very real toll in 2018. But beneath the surface lies another, widely overlooked link between these calamities: the way we grow our food. Agriculture […]

    Could a Green New Deal Boost the Farm and Food Justice Movement?

    Could a Green New Deal Boost the Farm and Food Justice Movement?

    By Eric Holt-Giménez Over eight decades ago, the Dust Bowl devastated over 100,000,000 acres of agricultural land and the Great Depression threw 15 million Americans out of work. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted the New Deal with sweeping national programs for work, agriculture, food, and land conservation. Today, the plan for a Green New Deal […]

    Climate Change Makes Soils Saltier, Forcing Farmers to Find New Livelihoods

    Climate Change Makes Soils Saltier, Forcing Farmers to Find New Livelihoods

    By Joyce J. Chen and Valerie Mueller Salt is essential for cooking, but too much salt in soil can ruin crops and render fields useless. According to legend, Roman general Scipio Aemilianus Africanus sowed the soils of Carthage with salt after conquering the city during the Punic Wars. And after defeating the Italian town of […]

    Earth Is ‘Breathing’ in This Eerie Video

    Earth Is ‘Breathing’ in This Eerie Video

    In a recent video filmed in Sacre-Coeur, Quebec, Mother Nature appears to be gasping for air. Even the surrounding trees are struggling to stand under the literal force of nature. Is Earth breathing a collective sigh? To be fair, she’s had a pretty rough 2018 after a string of record-breaking hurricanes, destructive wildfires and a […]

    5 Ways to Make Your Garden Regenerative

    5 Ways to Make Your Garden Regenerative

    Planting a garden has the power to change the world. Regenerative gardens can help reverse global warming by restoring soil health. We’re bringing victory gardens back. This time, it’s for the climate. Our friends Ron Finley and Rosario Dawson explain how you can make your home garden regenerative in this new video premiere from Kiss […]

    How Did Farmer Brown Bring His Dying Land Back From the Brink?

    How Did Farmer Brown Bring His Dying Land Back From the Brink?

    By Jeff Turrentine Sometimes enlightenment arrives as a flash of epiphany: a gravity-obeying apple that falls from a tree, for instance, or a blinding light that freezes you in your tracks on the road to Damascus. Other times, though, it’s more of a process. That’s how Gabe Brown came to regenerative agriculture. About 20 years […]