
2 in 5 Shark Species Threatened With Extinction, Says IUCN

2 in 5 Shark Species Threatened With Extinction, Says IUCN

More than a third of shark and ray species are directly threatened by extinction, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) warned on Saturday. The revelation came in the IUCN’s updated Red List assessment on endangered wildlife, which was released at the body’s World Conservation Congress in Marseilles, France. The most comprehensive survey […]

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    Scientists Photograph Largest Glow-in-the-Dark Shark for First Time

    Scientists Photograph Largest Glow-in-the-Dark Shark for First Time

    Scientists have newly photographed three species of shark that can glow in the dark, according to a study published in Frontiers in Marine Science last month. The sharks were found in the waters of Chatham Rise, off of New Zealand. And one of them, the kitefin shark (Dalatias licha), is now the largest known vertebrate […]

    NASA Technology Could Help Save the World’s Largest Shark

    NASA Technology Could Help Save the World’s Largest Shark

    The oceans and space are two of the last frontiers of discovery. It is only fitting, then, that technology originally designed to help map stars imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope has now been adapted to match spot patterns on the world’s largest fish, the whale shark, to help save it. Whale sharks can grow […]

    Climate Crisis Is Pushing California’s Great White Sharks North

    Climate Crisis Is Pushing California’s Great White Sharks North

    The climate crisis is driving young great white sharks up the California coast, and it’s causing problems for the endangered wildlife that live there. Juvenile great white sharks have historically spent their time in Southern California waters, but after a marine heat wave started in 2014, they began to spend more time further north in […]

    Baby Megalodon Sharks Were Six-Foot-Long Cannibals, Study Finds

    Baby Megalodon Sharks Were Six-Foot-Long Cannibals, Study Finds

    The megalodon, or megatooth shark, was such a fearsome prehistoric predator that it continues to inspire horror films roughly 3.6 million years after its extinction. Adult megalodons (Otodus megalodon) could grow to be about 50 feet in length. Now, new research published in Historical Biology on Monday shows that the sharks were fear-inducing from the […]

    World’s Most Remote Island Creates Largest Atlantic Ocean Sanctuary

    World’s Most Remote Island Creates Largest Atlantic Ocean Sanctuary

    In the South Atlantic Ocean, a tiny island of 250 people has made a significant contribution to global marine conservation by protecting a huge swath of ocean under its control. To reach Tristan da Cunha, a UK overseas territory, one must make a seven-day boat trip from South Africa, reported National Geographic. The island chain […]

    Will 500,000 Sharks Be Slaughtered for a COVID-19 Cure?

    Will 500,000 Sharks Be Slaughtered for a COVID-19 Cure?

    Scientists are racing to create a cure for COVID-19, but the toll on sharks might be irreparable. Conservationists estimate that half a million of the predators may be killed to supply the world with a coronavirus vaccine when one is developed. Shark liver oil is primarily made of squalene, which helps regulate a shark’s buoyancy […]

    ‘Surprising’ Fossil Discovery Could Rewrite Shark Evolution Story

    ‘Surprising’ Fossil Discovery Could Rewrite Shark Evolution Story

    A recent fossil discovery could overturn the way scientists think about shark evolution. Sharks are different from other large fish like salmon or tuna in that they have softer, non-bony skeletons made out of a material called cartilage. It was previously thought that sharks split off from a common ancestor with a cartilage skeleton, before […]