
Feeding Grazing Cattle Seaweed Supplements Reduces Methane Emissions by Nearly 40%, Study Finds

Feeding Grazing Cattle Seaweed Supplements Reduces Methane Emissions by Nearly 40%, Study Finds

New research by scientists at University of California, Davis (UC Davis), has found that giving grazing cattle a seaweed supplement reduces their methane emissions by nearly 40 percent without having an effect on their health or weight. It is the first study to examine seaweed’s methane-reduction potential on grazing beef cattle, a press release from […]

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    Seaweed Farming Could Help Battle Climate Change

    Seaweed Farming Could Help Battle Climate Change

    By Alex Robinson Seaweed. It’s the bane of swimmers, and can ruin a nice day at the beach. But harvesting the aquatic plant could play a role in mitigating the effects of climate change. A new study conducted by scientists at UC Santa Barbara found that seaweed farming could be a powerful new tool to […]

    Biggest Ever Seaweed Bloom Stretches From Gulf of Mexico to Africa

    Biggest Ever Seaweed Bloom Stretches From Gulf of Mexico to Africa

    By Nik Martin A vast expanse of brown seaweed stretching across the Atlantic is a threat to tourism but a boon to marine life, U.S. researchers have said. A report by the University of South Florida, published on Thursday, showed satellite images of the biggest ever bloom of the sargassum seaweed, which last year extended […]

    How to Harvest Seaweed

    How to Harvest Seaweed

    By Brian Barth Wild-harvested seaweed can be found in very expensive packets at health boutiques, but it is abundant and free to harvest on beaches along both coasts. You can pay a handsome sum to take a seaweed harvesting workshop or do a little sleuthing and strike out on your own — it’s surprisingly easy. […]

    Eat This Food Packaging Instead of Throwing It Away

    Eat This Food Packaging Instead of Throwing It Away

    You might compost religiously. You might recycle everything your city can handle. But even the most environmentally conscious individual might have trouble responsibly disposing the ubiquitous food wrapper. These crinkly, colorful sheets that come with our granola bars and potato chips can contain so many different materials mixed together (plastic, aluminum, paper, etc.) that recycling […]

    Seaweed Could Revolutionize How We Power Our Devices

    Seaweed Could Revolutionize How We Power Our Devices

    The answer to powering our devices might have been hiding in our sushi all along. An international team of researchers has used seaweed to create a material that can enhance the performance of superconductors, lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells. The team, from the U.S., the UK, China and Belgium, came up with the idea to […]

    How Seaweed Can Feed the World

    How Seaweed Can Feed the World

    By Josh Chamot Seaweed is an acquired taste, but rich in nutrients and cheap to produce, and it could replace carbon-intensive foods on menus everywhere. With that in mind, Lisette Kreischer and Marcel Schuttelaar wrote Ocean Greens, a guide to cooking with seaweed. Kreischer shared her insights on seaweed with Nexus Media, along with two […]