sea ice

Greenland’s Coastal Glaciers Rapidly Withering Away

Greenland’s Coastal Glaciers Rapidly Withering Away

Greenland’s icy coastlines are withering away at a rapid pace. With ever rising temperatures in the region, scientists fear the glaciers may never grow back. A team from Ohio State University discovered that about 20 years ago, melting on the island reached a tipping point. In this event, a layer of old snow called the […]

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    Global Action on Climate Change Needed to S​ave Polar Bears From Extinction

    Global Action on Climate Change Needed to S​ave Polar Bears From Extinction

    Curbing global greenhouse gas emissions is the “single most important” action needed to protect polar bears, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) urged Monday. No safe haven for polar bears in warming Arctic. via @EcoWatch ACT NOW to #SaveTheArctic: — Money For Change (@moneyforchange_) October 4, 2016 Writing in a conservation […]

    Stunning Portraits Put a Human Face on Climate Change

    Stunning Portraits Put a Human Face on Climate Change

    By Clara Chaisson The image of a solitary polar bear stranded on a melting ice floe is the unofficial poster child of the climate movement. But the world’s climbing temperatures are threatening more than charismatic megafauna; people’s lives and cultural heritage are at risk, too. With his portraits, artist Sean Yoro is helping to put […]

    Shocking Crack in Ice Shelf Grows Another 11 Miles

    Shocking Crack in Ice Shelf Grows Another 11 Miles

    A 70-mile long crack in the Larsen C ice shelf grew another shocking 11 miles in December alone. That leaves just 12 miles before an iceberg the size of Delaware snaps off into the Southern Ocean. Delaware-Sized Chunk of Ice Could Dislodge from #Antarctic Shelf via @EcoWatch #climate — Dan Zukowski (@danzukowski) August 26, […]

    18 Signs That Show We’ve Reached the Tipping Point

    18 Signs That Show We’ve Reached the Tipping Point

    By Bruce Melton Our planet’s systems have a tremendous capacity to absorb punishment before they begin to show signs of degradation. Earth’s ecology self-heals like a cut on a finger. It assimilates pollution by chemical, physical and biological means—it changes pollutants into non-hazardous materials and proceeds upon its merry way as if there had been […]

    Earth on Pace for Its Warmest Year on Record

    Earth on Pace for Its Warmest Year on Record

    By Jeff Masters November 2016 was Earth’s fifth warmest November since record keeping began in 1880, said NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information on Monday. November 2016 was 0.7 C (1.31 F) warmer than the 20th-century November average, but 0.23 C (0.41 F) cooler than the record warmth of 2015. NASA reported that November 2016 […]

    Sorry, Santa: North Pole Temps Could Climb 50 Degrees Above Normal

    Sorry, Santa: North Pole Temps Could Climb 50 Degrees Above Normal

    By Andrea Germanos Santa will likely be feeling toasty as he does his final checks on the naughty-or-nice list because temperatures at the North Pole on Thursday are forecast to be as much as 50 F above normal. Temperatures are expected to climb to near the freezing point of 32 F, computer models show. Zachary […]

    Trump Declares All-Out War on Environment With Fossil Fuel-Loving Cabinet

    Trump Declares All-Out War on Environment With Fossil Fuel-Loving Cabinet

    By Reynard Loki Scientists have recently warned in a major new report that the increasingly rapid melting of Arctic ice could be potentially irreversible and have severe implications not just for Arctic ecosystems, but for the world as a whole. “The warning signals are getting louder,” said Marcus Carson of the Stockholm Environment Institute […]

    Methane Emissions Soar, Agriculture Likely to Blame

    Methane Emissions Soar, Agriculture Likely to Blame

    By Alex Kirby One year ago today, with huge relief, scarcely able to believe their achievement, world leaders finally agreed to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. But a bare 12 months later comes sobering news: Atmospheric concentrations of another gas, methane, are growing faster than at any time in the last 20 years, putting further […]