
Russian River Turns Red After Suspected Chemical Spill

Russian River Turns Red After Suspected Chemical Spill

The Daldykan river near the industrial city of Norilsk in Russia turned an unnatural bright red on Tuesday, with some locals pointing fingers at industrial waste stemming from a nearby nickel plant. #Norilsk, northern #Russia: the site of copper & nickel #mining & #environment|al degradation — Alex Kokcharov (@AlexKokcharov) September 7, 2016 Russian authorities […]

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    30 Still Detained in Russia After Greenpeace Arctic Drilling Protest

    30 Still Detained in Russia After Greenpeace Arctic Drilling Protest

    Twenty-eight Greenpeace International activists and two journalists are being detained in Russia after a peaceful action protesting Gazprom’s offshore oil drilling in the fragile ecosystem of the Arctic. The activists have been held by authorities for 10 days since the Greenpeace ship Actic Sunrise was illegally boarded by armed guards in international waters on Sept. […]

    Arctic is Caught in Rapid Melt ‘Death Spiral’

    Arctic is Caught in Rapid Melt ‘Death Spiral’

    TckTckTck By Heather Libby “The record or near-records being reported from year to year in the Arctic are no longer anomalies or exceptions. Really they have become the rule for us, or the norm that we see in the Arctic and that we expect to see for the forseeable future” – Jackie Richter-Menge, U.S. Army […]

    Fossil Fuel Industry Continues to Squash Renewable Energy Age

    Fossil Fuel Industry Continues to Squash Renewable Energy Age

    TomDispatch By Michael T. Klare When it comes to energy and economics in the climate-change era, nothing is what it seems. Most of us believe (or want to believe) that the second carbon era, the Age of Oil, will soon be superseded by the Age of Renewables, just as oil had long since superseded the […]

    San Onofre Is Dead and So Is Nuclear Power

    San Onofre Is Dead and So Is Nuclear Power

    Harvey Wasserman From his California beach house at San Clemente, Richard Nixon once watched three reactors rise at nearby San Onofre. As of today all three are permanently shut. It’s a monumental victory for grassroots activism. It marks an epic transition in how we get our energy. In the thick of the 1970s Arab oil […]

    Stop the Killing of More Than 500 Polar Bears Each Year from International Trade in Fur and Parts

    Stop the Killing of More Than 500 Polar Bears Each Year from International Trade in Fur and Parts

    Natural Resources Defense Council By Andrew Wetzler Now that the world’s delegates have returned home from climate negotiations in Doha, many ministries are turning their attention to other international environmental agreements—and the consequences of climate change that echo in their implementation. One of those agreements is CITES—the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. For […]