
Reindeer and Their Nomadic Herders Face Climate Change

Reindeer and Their Nomadic Herders Face Climate Change

Biologist Egor Kirillin is on a special mission. Deep in the Siberian wilderness in the Russian Republic of Sakha, he waits on the Olenjok river until reindeer come thundering into the water. The river crosses the huge herd’s migration route south, and provides Kirillin’s one chance to tag them with radio transmitters. It’s not a […]

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    Russia Unveils Plan to ‘Use the Advantages’ of Climate Change

    Russia Unveils Plan to ‘Use the Advantages’ of Climate Change

    By Michaela Cavanagh (with AFP) The Russian government has unveiled a plan to adapt the country’s economy and population to climate change. The 17-page document was published online by Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development on Saturday, and outlines measures to mitigate the damage caused by climate change as well as to “use the advantages” of […]

    Russia Declares Emergency Over Huge Wildfires in Siberia

    Russia Declares Emergency Over Huge Wildfires in Siberia

    An area of 3.2 million hectares (7.9 million acres) was engulfed by forest fires in remote regions of Russia on Monday. In comparison, the total surface of the nation of Belgium is 3.07 million hectares. With fires raging for days, immense clouds of smoke reached large population centers, including Russia’s third biggest city, Novosibirsk. Authorities […]

    Moscow Residents Fight Back Against ‘Second Chernobyl’

    Moscow Residents Fight Back Against ‘Second Chernobyl’

    Their signs read “We want to live!” and “Road to Death,” and many bear the bright yellow symbol warning of radiation. On Monday, several hundred protesters gathered in the south of Moscow outside residential housing blocks that overlook a nuclear waste site. The site is located between the Moskva river and the popular Kolomenskoe park. […]

    90 Belugas, 11 Orcas Trapped in ‘Whale Jail’ off Russian Coast

    90 Belugas, 11 Orcas Trapped in ‘Whale Jail’ off Russian Coast

    Ninety belugas and 11 orcas are being held in tiny enclosures described by media reports as “whale jails” off Russia’s Pacific east coast. An investigation has been launched at the site near city of Nakhodka, where some of the whales have been contained since July, CBS News reported. ‘Whale prison’ discovered by drone in Far […]

    Solar Plant Opens at Uninhabitable Chernobyl Nuclear Site

    Solar Plant Opens at Uninhabitable Chernobyl Nuclear Site

    A site once a symbol of one type of apocalypse is now helping to stave off another. Ukraine opened a solar plant on Friday in Chernobyl, a little more than 100 yards from the power plant that caused the world’s worst nuclear disaster in 1986, AFP reported. “Today we are connecting the station to the […]