
Cuba’s Clean Rivers Benefit From Sustainable Agriculture

Cuba’s Clean Rivers Benefit From Sustainable Agriculture

By Paul Bierman and Amanda H. Schmidt For most of the past 60 years, the United States and Cuba have had very limited diplomatic ties. President Barack Obama started the process of normalizing U.S.-Cuba relations, but the Trump administration reversed this policy, sharply reducing interactions between the two countries. Scientific cooperation is a bright spot […]

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    Mine Waste Dams Threaten the Environment, Even When They Don’t Fail

    Mine Waste Dams Threaten the Environment, Even When They Don’t Fail

    By Christopher Sergeant, Julian D. Olden Scars from large mining operations are permanently etched across the landscapes of the world. The environmental damage and human health hazards that these activities create may be both severe and irreversible. Many mining operations store enormous quantities of waste, known as tailings, onsite. After miners excavate rock, a processing […]

    New Forests Planted Near Rivers Could Use up All the Water, Study Finds

    New Forests Planted Near Rivers Could Use up All the Water, Study Finds

    By Alex Kirby New forests are an apparently promising way to tackle global heating: the trees absorb carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas from human activities. But there’s a snag, because permanently lower river flows can be an unintended consequence. A study by scientists at the University of Cambridge, UK, has found that river flow […]

    Scientists Find Plants Are Growing Higher up the Himalayas

    Scientists Find Plants Are Growing Higher up the Himalayas

    Researchers have found that plants are growing farther up the Himalayas than they did in the past, according to a new study in the journal Global Change Biology, as Newsweek reported. Researchers looked at satellite data from 1993 to 2018 and found plant life extending into the harsh terrain between the top of the tree […]

    Giant Chinese Fish Is Now Extinct After Surviving Millions of Years

    Giant Chinese Fish Is Now Extinct After Surviving Millions of Years

    Scientists have concluded of the largest freshwater fish species in the world is now extinct because of human activity. The Chinese paddlefish, sometimes called the “panda of the Yangtze River,” was found to have been lost to overfishing and habitat destruction, Phys.org reported Wednesday. Its extinction was announced and documented by researchers at the Chinese […]

    Antibiotic Crisis Coming as Superbugs Gain Strength and Drug Companies Go Bankrupt

    Antibiotic Crisis Coming as Superbugs Gain Strength and Drug Companies Go Bankrupt

    Countries around the world are seeing a mounting threat from antibiotic resistance. After decades of overprescribing antibiotics and overusing them in factory farming, rivers are polluted with antibiotics and complications from drug-resistant infections are projected to cost $100 trillion by 2050, according to Scientific American. The Centers for Disease Control released a report last month […]