renewable energy

Planet Will Warm as Much as 3.1°C Under Current Policies: UN Report

Planet Will Warm as Much as 3.1°C Under Current Policies: UN Report

Without greater action, the planet will warm as much as 3.1 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, according to the latest United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report: No more hot air … please!. In the coming round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), countries must commit to slashing their collective yearly greenhouse […]

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    42 Billion Euros Spent Annually by 5 Largest EU Countries to Subsidize Fossil Fuel Company Cars, Study Finds

    42 Billion Euros Spent Annually by 5 Largest EU Countries to Subsidize Fossil Fuel Company Cars, Study Finds

    The five biggest countries in the European Union spend 42 billion euros each year on subsidizing fossil-fuel-powered company cars, a new study commissioned by Transport & Environment (T&E) says. The report by Environmental Resources Management (ERM), “Company car fossil fuel subsidies in Europe,” called for increased subsidies for electric vehicles (EVs). “This is completely illogical […]

    World Is Moving From Coal and Oil to ‘Age of Electricity’ but Not Fast Enough: New IEA Report

    World Is Moving From Coal and Oil to ‘Age of Electricity’ but Not Fast Enough: New IEA Report

    The International Energy Agency (IEA)’s latest World Energy Outlook (WEO) describes the global energy system in 2030 as one in which clean energy technologies play an ever-increasing role. The report says the future of global energy will include nearly 10 times more electric cars worldwide, solar generating more electricity, low-emissions energy sources supplying more than […]

    World’s Biggest Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Developed in China

    World’s Biggest Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Developed in China

    China’s CRRC Corporation Limited (CRRC) has developed the “most powerful” floating offshore wind turbine in the world, according to state news agency Xinhua. The turbine was produced in Yancheng city in Jiangsu Province and has a 20-megawatt (MW) generating capacity. The massive turbine has the ability to generate 62 million kilowatt hours of power annually, […]

    Renewables Will Generate Almost Half of Global Electricity by 2030, Falling Short of UN Target to Triple Capacity: IEA Report

    Renewables Will Generate Almost Half of Global Electricity by 2030, Falling Short of UN Target to Triple Capacity: IEA Report

    With solar leading the way, renewables are on track to generate nearly 50 percent of global electricity this decade. But green energy is still predicted to fall short of the United Nations target of tripling capacity, according to Renewables 2024: Analysis and forecast to 2030, a report from the International Energy Agency (IEA). More than […]

    Chinese Invention Uses Lotus Leaves to Power Small Electronic Devices

    Chinese Invention Uses Lotus Leaves to Power Small Electronic Devices

    Chinese scientists have developed a transpiration energy generator capable of creating electricity using lotus leaves. The generator could turn nearly all leaves on the planet into a continuous and sustainable source of energy. The researchers said their discovery of the leaf transpiration’s hydrovoltaic effect provided “fresh perspective for advancing green energy technologies,” as the South […]

    Electrification of Upstream Oil and Gas Facilities Could Reduce Production Emissions by Over 80%, Report Finds

    Electrification of Upstream Oil and Gas Facilities Could Reduce Production Emissions by Over 80%, Report Finds

    According to a new report by Rystad Energy, converting production facilities for upstream oil and gas so that they are powered by electricity fueled by renewable sources or natural gas that would have otherwise been burned and flared could eliminate more than 80 percent of the sector’s associated emissions. In the Norwegian Continental Shelf, oil […]