
World’s First Giant Outside Vacuum Cleaner to Filter Dirty Air

World’s First Giant Outside Vacuum Cleaner to Filter Dirty Air

A Dutch tech startup called Envinity Group has unveiled a giant outdoor vacuum cleaner designed to filter the tiniest toxic specks from the atmosphere. Dutch unveil giant vacuum to clean outside air https://t.co/qjn7gKgLx0 pic.twitter.com/lx98zRAspb — Hindustan Times (@htTweets) October 26, 2016 The invention was presented at the Offshore Energy trade fair in Amsterdam on Tuesday. […]

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    World’s First Giant Outside Vacuum Cleaner to Filter Dirty Air

    World’s First Giant Outside Vacuum Cleaner to Filter Dirty Air

    A Dutch tech startup called Envinity Group has unveiled a giant outdoor vacuum cleaner designed to filter the tiniest toxic specks from the atmosphere. Dutch unveil giant vacuum to clean outside air https://t.co/qjn7gKgLx0 pic.twitter.com/lx98zRAspb — Hindustan Times (@htTweets) October 26, 2016 The invention was presented at the Offshore Energy trade fair in Amsterdam on Tuesday. […]

    Hong Kong’s Beaches Teeming With Plastic Trash, Can Even Be Seen From Space

    Hong Kong’s Beaches Teeming With Plastic Trash, Can Even Be Seen From Space

    An enormous—and unprecedented—amount of plastic waste and other marine debris has been washing up on Hong Kong’s southern beaches in recent weeks. Hong Kong’s shores have been inundated by trash since mid-June.Facebook Local authorities have described the filth as a “glacier of trash,” and that the rubbish from one island could even be seen from […]