
These Two Rivers Were Just Given the Same Legal Rights as Humans

These Two Rivers Were Just Given the Same Legal Rights as Humans

While the U.S. makes it easier for coal companies to dump mining waste into streams and waterways, other countries are acknowledging the importance of water and granting personhood to these precious resources. The High Court of the Indian state of Uttarakhand ruled that the Ganges and Yamuna rivers and their tributaries have “legal and living […]

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    Disposable Plastics Outlawed in One of the World’s Most Populous Regions

    Disposable Plastics Outlawed in One of the World’s Most Populous Regions

    Did you know that nearly a month, India’s National Capital Region—a massive swath of land that includes the nation’s capital territory, Delhi—outlawed disposable plastic? On Jan. 1, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) enacted a ban on one-time use items such as plastic grocery bags and cups for the region’s 54 million inhabitants, the world’s second […]

    Here’s What You Need to Know on the Upcoming War on Our Health and Environment

    Here’s What You Need to Know on the Upcoming War on Our Health and Environment

    Before Inauguration Day, the Trump era has opened with an extremist agenda that poses an alarming threat to our people, our environment and the core values we share about justice, fair play and our commitment to leave future generations a livable world. Already, we’ve seen a set of cabinet nominees dominated by fossil fuel advocates, […]

    Washington Becomes First State to Sue Monsanto Over PCBs, Accused of Knowing Its Toxicity for Decades

    Washington Becomes First State to Sue Monsanto Over PCBs, Accused of Knowing Its Toxicity for Decades

    Monsanto is facing yet another lawsuit over its alleged negligent handling of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), a banned and highly toxic group of chemicals that the company manufactured decades ago. But this time it’s not another city suing the biotech giant—it’s an entire state. Highly toxic PCBs have been found throughout Washington state, with more than […]

    Moms Outraged at Trump’s Pick to Head EPA

    Moms Outraged at Trump’s Pick to Head EPA

    By Dominique Browning The nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is unprecedented. Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, it is a travesty—because Pruitt has vigorously used his office to derail and obstruct clean air safeguards that are broadly supported by Americans in red and […]

    World’s Most Polluted City, Air Quality Levels Literally Off the Charts

    World’s Most Polluted City, Air Quality Levels Literally Off the Charts

    The air pollution in several Indian cities is getting so bad that government officials have initiated drastic measures to protect its citizens from the eye-stinging levels of smog. In fact, the nation’s capital of New Delhi currently holds the ominous title of world’s most polluted city, CNN reported. New Delhi is the most polluted city […]

    Coal Will Not Cure Global Poverty

    Coal Will Not Cure Global Poverty

    The UN Economic Commission for Europe and World Coal Association are holding an event today and Thursday to tout the idea that coal is a cure for poverty. Sound off to you? There’s a good reason for that. A group of more than a dozen international organizations lead by the Overseas Development Institute have put […]

    World’s First Giant Outside Vacuum Cleaner to Filter Dirty Air

    World’s First Giant Outside Vacuum Cleaner to Filter Dirty Air

    A Dutch tech startup called Envinity Group has unveiled a giant outdoor vacuum cleaner designed to filter the tiniest toxic specks from the atmosphere. Dutch unveil giant vacuum to clean outside air https://t.co/qjn7gKgLx0 pic.twitter.com/lx98zRAspb — Hindustan Times (@htTweets) October 26, 2016 The invention was presented at the Offshore Energy trade fair in Amsterdam on Tuesday. […]