
90% of Minke Whales Killed in Norway Are Female and ‘Almost All’ Pregnant

90% of Minke Whales Killed in Norway Are Female and ‘Almost All’ Pregnant

Ninety percent of the minke whales hunted and killed each year in Norwegian waters are female and ” almost all” of them are pregnant, according to a documentary aired earlier this month on NRK, a government-owned public broadcasting company. [facebook https://www.facebook.com/havforskningsinstituttet/videos/vb.107340812637299/1770870212951009/?type=2&theater expand=1] The documentary, Slaget om kvalen (“Battle of Agony”), shows grisly footage of Norway’s […]

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    World’s First Aerial Survey of Great Pacific Garbage Patch: ‘It’s Worse Than We Thought’

    World’s First Aerial Survey of Great Pacific Garbage Patch: ‘It’s Worse Than We Thought’

    Boyan Slat, the 22-year-old Dutch inventor and CEO behind The Ocean Cleanup, announced today preliminary results of the organization’s latest major research mission, the Aerial Expedition, the first-ever aerial survey of an ocean garbage patch. Boyan Slat next to Ocean Force One, which will help accurately quantify the ocean’s biggest and most harmful debris—discarded fishing […]

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    Buddhist Monks Return Hundreds of Lobsters Back to the Sea

    Buddhist Monks Return Hundreds of Lobsters Back to the Sea

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