
NASA Produces First 3D Animation of Global Carbon Emissions

NASA Produces First 3D Animation of Global Carbon Emissions

By Leo Hickman The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the U.S. space agency, has released an “eye-popping” three-dimensional animation showing carbon dioxide emissions moving through the Earth’s atmosphere over the course of a year. It says the 3-D visualization is “one of the most realistic views yet” of the “complex patterns in which carbon […]

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    How Important Is NASA’s Earth Science Program That Trump Wants to Abolish?

    How Important Is NASA’s Earth Science Program That Trump Wants to Abolish?

    By Brenda Ekwurzel Word has it that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Science program is on the chopping block with the upcoming Trump Administration. Bad decision! Alaska’s Susitna GlacierNASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS and U.S./Japan ASTER Science The NASA Earth Science program provides information about the Earth that plays a vital role in our scientific advancement, […]

    ‘Shockingly Stupid’: Trump to Eliminate NASA Climate Research

    ‘Shockingly Stupid’: Trump to Eliminate NASA Climate Research

    By Nika Knight President-elect Donald Trump plans to entirely eliminate all climate research at NASA, a move that climate scientists warn will send us back to the “dark ages.” Trump instead plans to devote more funds toward exploring deep space. NASA launched its Atmospheric Infrared Sounder, or AIRS, project in 2002. It was designed to […]

    NASA: September Temps Warmest in 136 Years

    NASA: September Temps Warmest in 136 Years

    Last month was the hottest September ever recorded, beating 2014’s previous record by 0.004°C. According to new NASA data, temperatures were 1.6°F (0.91°C) above the 1951-1980 average. Monthly temperatures (departure from 1980–2015), superimposed on the 1980–2015 mean seasonal cycle.NASA / GISS / Schmidt According to an official statement from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, […]

    Man-Made Global Warming Root Cause of Relentless Forest Fires

    Man-Made Global Warming Root Cause of Relentless Forest Fires

    By Paul Brown Climate change has already doubled the number of forest fires in the western U.S. since the 1980s—and it is a trend that will continue to increase, according to new research. The study says the rise in temperatures and aridity sucks the moisture out of the plants, trees, dead vegetation on the ground […]

    NASA: Megadrought Lasting Decades Is 99% Certain in American Southwest

    NASA: Megadrought Lasting Decades Is 99% Certain in American Southwest

    A study released in Science Advances Wednesday finds strong evidence for severe, long-term droughts afflicting the American Southwest, driven by climate change. A megadrought lasting decades is 99 percent certain to hit the region this century, said scientists from Cornell University, the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space […]

    4 Reasons the Paris Agreement Won’t Solve Climate Change

    4 Reasons the Paris Agreement Won’t Solve Climate Change

    Many hail the Paris agreement—set to cross the threshold this week to come into effect—as a panacea for global climate change. Yet tragically, this perspective neglects to take into account the scientific reality of our climate system, which tells a much different story. Our latest research, Young People’s Burden: Requirement of Negative CO2 Emissions, appeared […]