
Microplastics Exposure Linked to Digestive, Reproductive and Respiratory Health Risks

Microplastics Exposure Linked to Digestive, Reproductive and Respiratory Health Risks

Microplastics exposure has been linked to multiple health risks, including increased colon cancer risk, sperm and testicular damage, and injury or inflammation to the lungs, according to a recent report led by researchers at University of California San Francisco’s (UCSF) Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Researchers […]

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    California to Ban All Plastic Bags in Grocery Stores by 2026

    California to Ban All Plastic Bags in Grocery Stores by 2026

    California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed Senate Bill 1053 banning all plastic bags at grocery stores in the state beginning in 2026. In 2014, California passed a ban on plastic shopping bags, but a loophole allowed shoppers to still be able to purchase bags made of thicker plastic for a dime apiece. A decade later, […]

    Researchers Detect ‘Alarming’ Levels of Microplastics in Human Brain Samples

    Researchers Detect ‘Alarming’ Levels of Microplastics in Human Brain Samples

    It’s well-known that microplastics are pervasive, with scientists finding microplastics in testicular tissue, lungs and even blood. But now, researchers have discovered microplastic pieces in samples of the human brain at higher levels than expected. In a new pre-printed study published early by the National Library of Medicine, scientists analyzed plastic content in the livers, […]

    High Levels of Fiberglass Detected in Oysters and Mussels

    High Levels of Fiberglass Detected in Oysters and Mussels

    A team of researchers has revealed alarming amounts of fiberglass particles in marine bivalves found off the coasts of southern England. According to the researchers, this is the first study to determine that fiberglass, or glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), particles can make their way into human food sources. Researchers from the University of Brighton, the University […]

    Researchers Find Car Tire Additives in Leafy Crops

    Researchers Find Car Tire Additives in Leafy Crops

    For the first time, researchers have found the presence of additives found in vehicle tires in leafy crops grown for human consumption. While residues from other substances, such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products, have been detected previously, there has been no investigation into how pollution from car tires may affect food, the authors noted. […]

    Scientists Detect Microplastics in Testicular Tissue

    Scientists Detect Microplastics in Testicular Tissue

    Researchers at the University of New Mexico have found concentrations of microplastics in the testicular tissue of humans and dogs. The findings raise concerns over how these particles can impact the reproductive system. The project started when study lead Xiaozhong Yu, a professor at the university’s College of Nursing, spoke with colleague Matthew Campen, professor […]