
Corporate Money Wins: GMO Labeling Bill Betrays Consumers

Corporate Money Wins: GMO Labeling Bill Betrays Consumers

On March 12, 1930, Mahatma Gandhi and a small band of supporters set off on a 241-mile march across western India. Gandhi had devised the walk as an act of nonviolent protest against the British colonial government’s salt monopoly, which placed tariffs on the mineral and forbid Indians from producing it. Upon arriving at the […]

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    Will Senate Vote Nullify Vermont’s Historic GMO Labeling Law?

    Will Senate Vote Nullify Vermont’s Historic GMO Labeling Law?

    Tomorrow, Vermont’s historic GMO labeling law goes into effect. This is the first law enacted in the U.S. that would provide clear labels identifying food made with genetically engineered ingredients. Indeed, stores across the country are already stocking food with clear on-package labels thanks to the Vermont law, because it’s much easier for a company […]

    Seeds of Truth: A Response to Michael Specter’s Article in The New Yorker

    Seeds of Truth: A Response to Michael Specter’s Article in The New Yorker

    I am glad that the future of food is being discussed, and thought about, on farms, in homes, on TV, online and in magazines, especially of The New Yorker’s caliber. The New Yorker has held its content and readership in high regard for so long. The challenge of feeding a growing population with the added obstacle of climate […]

    Bee Killers Sponsor National Pollinator Week (And 3 Ways They Are Killing Bees)

    Bee Killers Sponsor National Pollinator Week (And 3 Ways They Are Killing Bees)

    Concerned about the bees and the butterflies? Interested in celebrating National Pollinator Week? It’s happening next week, June 16-22. And it’s brought to you, in part, by none other than Monsanto and Bayer. New York March Against Monsanto. Glynnis Jones / In 2007, the U.S. Senate designated a week in June as National Pollinator […]

    Los Angeles Considers Ban on Sale and Cultivation of GE Seeds and Plants

    Los Angeles Considers Ban on Sale and Cultivation of GE Seeds and Plants

    Los Angeles is considering banning the cultivation and sale of genetically engineered (GE) seeds and plants. If it does, this second-largest U.S. city would become the country’s largest GE-free zone. Two Los Angeles city councilmen on Friday introduced a motion that would ban the growth, sale and distribution of GE seeds and plants. The councilmen, Paul Koretz […]

    World’s Cheapest Food Is in the U.S.—But at What Cost?

    World’s Cheapest Food Is in the U.S.—But at What Cost?

    Food Freedom By Dr. Mercola In 2010, Americans spent just over 9 percent of their disposable income on food (5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out).1 This is a dramatically lower percentage spent just decades ago in the early 1960s, when more than 17 percent was spent on food, and even more of […]

    Keynote Speakers Focus on Food Sovereignty

    Keynote Speakers Focus on Food Sovereignty

    Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association by Lauren N. Ketcham Sowing the Seeds of Our Food Sovereignty is the theme of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s (OEFFA) 33rd annual conference on Feb. 18-19 in Granville, Ohio. Drawing nearly 1,000 attendees in 2011, Ohio’s largest sustainable agriculture conference will feature keynote speakers Woody Tasch […]