
‘Like a Mini Med Spa for Frogs’: Biologists Develop Shelters to Help Vulnerable and Endangered Amphibians Fight Disease

‘Like a Mini Med Spa for Frogs’: Biologists Develop Shelters to Help Vulnerable and Endangered Amphibians Fight Disease

Biologists have created small hotspot shelters that operate like little saunas to help vulnerable and endangered amphibians fight off a fast-spreading and deadly fungal disease that has been a major threat to amphibians for decades. Researchers from Macquarie University and the University of Melbourne developed the shelters as a way to help amphibians ward off […]

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    10,000 Critically Endangered Water Frogs Found Dead in Polluted Lake

    10,000 Critically Endangered Water Frogs Found Dead in Polluted Lake

    Peru’s National Forest and Wildlife Service, SERFOR, is investigating the deaths of hundreds of critically endangered Titicaca water frogs, whose bodies were found floating in the waters of Lake Titicaca, the only place in the world the species is found. Hundreds of the critically endangered Titicaca water frogs have been found floating on the surface […]

    Famous Rare Frog Dies, Sending Species to Extinction

    Famous Rare Frog Dies, Sending Species to Extinction

    The last known member of a rare tree frog species died last week at the Atlanta Botanical Garden causing many to fear his species is now extinct. The male Rabbs’ fringe-limbed tree frog, staff nicknamed “Toughie,” was found dead in his enclosure during a routine daily inspection Sept. 26. They believe he was about 12 […]