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    Solar Panels and Crops Can Coexist, But More Research Needed to Maximize Success

    Solar Panels and Crops Can Coexist, But More Research Needed to Maximize Success

    By Kari Lydersen A recent analysis reveals the daunting number of variables that need to be considered when attempting to pair agricultural production and solar generation.  Federal researchers know that solar panels and crops can coexist and provide mutual benefits in certain scenarios. A recent study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) confirms this but also […]

    How to Make Your Thanksgiving More Sustainable

    How to Make Your Thanksgiving More Sustainable

    While you’re enjoying that pumpkin pie and thinking about what you’re grateful for this year, give the planet something to be thankful for, too! During Thanksgiving week alone, 200 million pounds of turkey are thrown away in the U.S., according to the NRDC. Among other wasted resources, the water from these tossed turkeys alone could […]

    Regenerative Agriculture 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Regenerative Agriculture 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Quick Key Facts In regenerative agriculture, the physical, biological and chemical integrity of the soil is preserved through minimal disturbance. Indigenous cultures maintain and have maintained a regenerative relationship with their natural environments, including the soil, for thousands of years. Regenerative farming helps build healthy soil and increases plant diversity. Through regenerative agricultural practices like […]

    18 Vegetables You Can Grow in the Winter

    18 Vegetables You Can Grow in the Winter

    Plenty of vegetables can grow right through the cold winter months, or overwintered until spring rolls around. Winter also means fewer bugs, fewer weeds, and less-frequent watering, so you can happily fill up your plate during the fall and winter holidays with vegetables from your own backyard.

    Compost Bugs: The Good and the Bad

    Compost Bugs: The Good and the Bad

    Do you ever peer into the compost bin after taking out your kitchen scraps? What do you see (besides your food waste creating rich, beautiful, natural fertilizer)? There are probably a lot of happy creepy-crawlers at work breaking down that green and brown matter, which is exactly what you want to see. But, there might […]

    Precise Fermentation: Real Dairy, Without the Cows

    Precise Fermentation: Real Dairy, Without the Cows

    Imagine drinking a frothy, creamy milkshake — or maybe a cheesy, melty slice of pizza with a perfect cheese pull. Perhaps you start your day with a foamy cappuccino, or a bowl of your favorite yogurt topped with berries. Now, imagine enjoying your favorite dairy-filled treats, but ones that weren’t produced with cow-made milk.  600 […]