food waste

These Renewable Energy Companies Are Feeding Hungry Families

These Renewable Energy Companies Are Feeding Hungry Families

By Meg Wilcox As U.S. food assistance programs grapple with overwhelming demand during the coronavirus pandemic, some in New England are finding support from unusual partners—renewable energy companies. Scratch the surface of these partnerships, however, and the connections begin to make sense. The renewable energy companies are already engaged with the food system, and they’re […]

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    Upcycled Food Is Officially Defined, Paving the Way to Reduce Food Waste

    Upcycled Food Is Officially Defined, Paving the Way to Reduce Food Waste

    By Jared Kaufman Upcycled food is now an officially defined term, which advocates say will encourage broader consumer and industry support for products that help reduce food waste. Upcycling—transforming ingredients that would have been wasted into edible food products—has been gaining ground in alternative food movements for several years but had never been officially defined. […]

    24 Creative Green Projects to Tackle Now

    24 Creative Green Projects to Tackle Now

    By Courtney Lindwall If you’re one of those people cooped up safely at home, with creative energy and free time to spare—count yourself lucky. Here, we’ve rounded up a list of two dozen environmental projects that can make your time indoors, or right outside, a little brighter. Whether you’re ready to start rescuing more of […]

    23 Organizations Eliminating Food Waste During COVID-19

    23 Organizations Eliminating Food Waste During COVID-19

    By Aaron Mok The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has upended nearly every aspect of modern society, but especially the food system. Farmers are being forced to discard unprecedented amounts of food surplus because of the closure of schools, restaurants, and hotels. And, because of the complex logistics of the food supply chain, diverting food supply away […]

    Can the U.S. Slash Food Waste in Half in the Next Ten Years?

    Can the U.S. Slash Food Waste in Half in the Next Ten Years?

    By Tim Lydon Can the United States make progress on its food-waste problems? Cities like San Francisco — and a growing list of actions by the federal government — show that it’s possible. San Francisco passed the nation’s first mandatory composting law a little over 10 years ago, requiring residents and businesses to separate food […]

    Consumers May Be Wasting Twice as Much Food as Previously Thought

    Consumers May Be Wasting Twice as Much Food as Previously Thought

    Consumers may waste more than twice as much food as previously thought, a new study has found. The study, published in PLOS ONE Wednesday, estimated that consumers wasted 527 calories per day per person, BBC News reported. That’s more than double the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimate of 214 calories per day per […]

    Soil: The Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Climate Change

    Soil: The Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Climate Change

    By Claire O’Connor Agriculture is on the front lines of climate change. Whether it’s the a seven-year drought drying up fields in California, the devastating Midwest flooding in 2019, or hurricane after hurricane hitting the Eastern Shore, agriculture and rural communities are already feeling the effects of a changing climate. Scientists expect climate change to […]