
Potassium Depletion in Soil Threatens Global Food Security, Scientists Warn

Potassium Depletion in Soil Threatens Global Food Security, Scientists Warn

Nutrient depletion in agricultural soil is nothing new. There have been numerous studies and concerns about the depletion of nutrient-rich topsoil and the loss of nutrients like carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, but scientists are now warning about the depletion of potassium in soil. In a study published in the journal Nature Food, scientists highlight how […]

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    Potassium Depletion in Soil Threatens Global Food Security, Scientists Warn

    Potassium Depletion in Soil Threatens Global Food Security, Scientists Warn

    Nutrient depletion in agricultural soil is nothing new. There have been numerous studies and concerns about the depletion of nutrient-rich topsoil and the loss of nutrients like carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, but scientists are now warning about the depletion of potassium in soil. In a study published in the journal Nature Food, scientists highlight how […]

    Fertilizing Fields With Sewage Sludge Releases More Microplastics Into the Air Than Previously Believed, Study Finds

    Fertilizing Fields With Sewage Sludge Releases More Microplastics Into the Air Than Previously Believed, Study Finds

    Microplastics are tiny plastic particles from textiles and other sources that have broken down into smaller and smaller pieces until they are less than five millimeters in length. They have been found all over the world, from sediments in the deep ocean to Arctic snow. Scientists have found that microplastics are being released though natural […]

    Nitrogen Fertilizers Are Major Greenhouse Gas Emitters, but Their Impact Can Be Cut With Available Solutions

    Nitrogen Fertilizers Are Major Greenhouse Gas Emitters, but Their Impact Can Be Cut With Available Solutions

    When we think of greenhouse gas emissions, we typically think of coal-burning power plants, vehicle exhaust or maybe forests being cleared to make way for methane-belching cows.  However, there is another important agricultural source of climate pollution: nitrogen-based fertilizers. A new study from University of Cambridge-based researchers has calculated these fertilizers’ total contribution to the […]