fast fashion

Zara Pledges to Make All Its Clothes From Sustainable Fabrics by 2025

Zara Pledges to Make All Its Clothes From Sustainable Fabrics by 2025

Green is the new black at Zara. The Spanish fast fashion behemoth has made a bold move to steer its industry to a more environmentally friendly future for textiles. Inditex, Zara’s parent company, announced that all the polyester, cotton and linen it uses will be sustainably produced by 2025, as CNN reported. The same guidelines […]

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    What You Can Do to Make Your Clothing Ocean Safe

    What You Can Do to Make Your Clothing Ocean Safe

    As Fashion Week kicks off in New York City Thursday, it’s a good time to think about the impact that our clothing has on the environment. In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the problem of microplastics, which enter rivers and oceans, accumulate toxins and work their way up the marine food chain […]

    Solution: Aussie Designer Launches World’s First Zero-Waste Bra

    Solution: Aussie Designer Launches World’s First Zero-Waste Bra

    If you wear bras, chances are you haven’t thought too much about their environmental impact. But bras can be made from a variety of unsustainable materials, from water-intensive cotton, to spandex, to petroleum-based polyurethane foam for padding. So once they’re tossed, these synthetic fabrics will sit in landfills and take forever to disappear. It’s no […]

    The Environmental and Human Cost of Making a Pair of Jeans

    The Environmental and Human Cost of Making a Pair of Jeans

    Americans do love their denim, so much so that the average consumer buys four pairs of jeans a year. In China’s Xintang province, a hub for denim, 300 million pairs are made annually. Just as staggering is the brew of toxic chemicals and hundreds of gallons of water it takes to dye and finish one […]

    Want Sustainable Clothing? It’s Time to Meet Regenerative Fiber

    Want Sustainable Clothing? It’s Time to Meet Regenerative Fiber

    By Valerie Vande Panne Do you know where your clothes came from? No, not the store, the label or the brand. Or China, India or Vietnam. I mean, do you know who made your clothing? Do you know what your clothes are made from? Or where the fiber in your clothing came from? The cotton, […]

    New Report Promotes Need for Fashion Industry Action

    New Report Promotes Need for Fashion Industry Action

    By Linda Greer The fashion industry doesn’t necessarily have the biggest nose-to-the-grindstone, follow-the-numbers reputation of an industry, let’s face it. It is better known for its creativity, innovation and trendsetting. But this sector packs a major punch environmentally, let me tell you—in terms of climate impact, water use and pollution. We urgently need a serious […]

    Consumer Society No Longer Serves Our Needs

    Consumer Society No Longer Serves Our Needs

    My parents were born in Vancouver—dad in 1909, mom in 1911—and married during the Great Depression. It was a difficult time that shaped their values and outlook, which they drummed into my sisters and me. “Save some for tomorrow,” they often scolded. “Share; don’t be greedy.” “Help others when they need it because one day […]

    Fast Fashion Wrecks the Environment: Here Are 3 Ways to Slow It Down

    Fast Fashion Wrecks the Environment: Here Are 3 Ways to Slow It Down

    By Gabriele Salari The fashion industry is considered to be one of the most polluting in the world. Its material-intensive business model relies heavily on our addiction to overconsumption and feeds the destruction of the planet. There is one way to solve the problem: slowing down fashion. We need a model that doesn’t compromise on […]