factory farming

Why Consumers Need to Force Ben & Jerry’s to Go Organic

Why Consumers Need to Force Ben & Jerry’s to Go Organic

The most important thing we can do today as conscious consumers, farmers and food workers is to regenerate public health, the environment and climate stability. We can do this most readily by moving away from industrial, GMO and factory-farm food toward an organic, pasture-based, soil-regenerative, humane, carbon-sequestering and climate-friendly agriculture system. What’s standing in the […]

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    Is There Such a Thing as Humane Wool?

    Is There Such a Thing as Humane Wool?

    By Brian Barth The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the animal rights organization, has a reputation for employing the oldest marketing trick in the book: selling their message with sex. The latest example? Their campaign to raise awareness of animal abuse in the wool industry, which features a poster of Alicia Silverstone […]

    These Stunning Photos Expose the World’s Biggest Crimes Against Nature

    These Stunning Photos Expose the World’s Biggest Crimes Against Nature

    Human’s impact on planet Earth is huge. Thanks to the work of environmentalist and photographer, J Henry Fair, we can now get a bird’s-eye view of the world’s ever-increasing demand for energy, eating habits and rampant consumerism that are degrading our planet. Fair’s new book, Industrial Scars, The Hidden Costs of Consumption, shows the effects […]

    Sales of Antibiotics for Livestock Surges Despite Industry Pledges to Cut Back

    Sales of Antibiotics for Livestock Surges Despite Industry Pledges to Cut Back

    By David Wallinga Scientists and regulators have sounded the alarm linking the overuse of antibiotics in livestock production with helping to increase the creation and spread of antibiotic resistant infections. Three years ago, as a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched a voluntary program seeking to curb some livestock drug uses. But […]

    Rare and Deadly ​Superbug Mysteriously Appears on U.S. Pig Farms

    Rare and Deadly ​Superbug Mysteriously Appears on U.S. Pig Farms

    By David Wallinga Not all bacteria are created equal. The first-time discovery of a long-dreaded superbug on U.S. pig farms, announced Monday, really stands out. And not in a good way. What they found on pig farms was a kind of CRE bacteria, for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. CRE is one of the nastier superbugs. Infections with […]

    DiCaprio’s Before the Flood: Powerful, Yet Misses on Soils and the Carbon Cycle

    DiCaprio’s Before the Flood: Powerful, Yet Misses on Soils and the Carbon Cycle

    The new Leonardo DiCaprio documentary Before the Flood can now be seen on National Geographic. The actor is a longtime advocate of environmental causes, and his film is surely helping to increase awareness of global warming and the challenges we face with climate chaos. In it, DiCaprio journeys from the remote melting regions of Greenland […]

    Aerial Photos Document Massive Flooding of 36 Factory Farms

    Aerial Photos Document Massive Flooding of 36 Factory Farms

    Hurricane Matthew‘s rampage through North Carolina’s coastal plain flooded more than 140 feces-strewn swine and poultry barns, more than a dozen open pits brimming with hog waste and thousands of acres of manure-saturated fields, an analysis by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Waterkeeper Alliance reveals. From aerial surveys and imagery, the two organizations produced […]