energy crisis

High Fossil Fuel Costs Leaving Families in the Cold (And Possibly Dark)

High Fossil Fuel Costs Leaving Families in the Cold (And Possibly Dark)

As winter comes to the northern hemisphere, impacting the global energy system, increased fossil fuel prices are stretching U.S. families’ finances to, and past, the breaking point. In Connecticut, the sharp increase in the number of people seeking heating bill assistance is “just unbelievable,” Joanne Balaschak, director of energy programs at New Opportunities, in Waterbury, […]

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    West Virginia Customers Pay the Price for State’s Reliance on Coal

    West Virginia Customers Pay the Price for State’s Reliance on Coal

    The state of West Virginia is intimately associated with coal power, so much so that it got 91 percent of its electricity from coal in 2021, and politicians like the state’s Democratic Senator Joe Manchin have painted an attack on the highly polluting energy source as an attack on the state’s wellbeing.  When President Joe […]

    Should the UK End Winter Daylight Savings Time to Save Energy?

    Should the UK End Winter Daylight Savings Time to Save Energy?

    The UK is in the midst of an energy crisis that prompted now-former Prime Minister Liz Truss to lift a ban on fracking and expand oil and gas licensing in the North Sea.  But a clean energy expert has come forward with a way Britain can reduce energy costs without burning more fossil fuels: getting rid […]