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    10 Ways to Save Water at Home

    10 Ways to Save Water at Home

    As we’ve seen in the American West and Southwest this summer, climate change continues to threaten our national (and global) water supply. Extreme drought conditions are the most widespread they’ve been in at least 20 years, reservoir levels are at all-time lows, and the resulting dryness of the landscape has led to more wildfires. Water […]

    8 Ways to Lower Your Pet’s Environmental Pawprint

    8 Ways to Lower Your Pet’s Environmental Pawprint

    We’re a country of pet lovers. Ninety and a half million families – or 70% of American households – own a pet, according to the American Pet Products Association. One hundred and thirty-five million cats and dogs live in our homes, and many more amphibians, fish, birds, rodents, and reptiles bring joy to our lives.

    How to Store 31 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Less Food Waste

    How to Store 31 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Less Food Waste

    It’s estimated that the average household wastes more than 30% of the food it obtains – a staggering statistic with both financial and environmental consequences. 140 million acres of land are needed to produce this lost or wasted food each year, which is about the size of New York and California combined.

    8 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Resolutions for the New Year

    8 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Resolutions for the New Year

    As we welcome in the new year, many are thinking about resolutions – for ourselves, our families, our health, our lifestyle. Now more than ever, it’s important to include the planet in our plans. Over the past 50 years, humans have more than doubled our consumption of natural resources, particularly in the United States. Losing […]

    8 Sustainable Alternatives to Sidewalk and Road Salts

    8 Sustainable Alternatives to Sidewalk and Road Salts

    When the snow starts falling, many communities send out the big trucks to dump loads of salts on roads. Many homeowners will also add salts to sidewalks to keep people safer from slip hazards. In the U.S., we use about 15 to 32 million metric tons of road salts per year. Road salts were first […]

    8 Environmental Instagram Accounts You Should Follow

    8 Environmental Instagram Accounts You Should Follow

    Social media is no longer just a place for sharing selfies or pictures of puppies. Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook have become important sources of information; nearly half of American adults report getting at least some of their news from social media. These platforms have become especially important for social movements, including environmentalism. We spend […]

    5 Eco-Friendly Yoga Mats for a More Sustainable Flow

    5 Eco-Friendly Yoga Mats for a More Sustainable Flow

    Over 5,000 years ago, Rishis documented their practices and beliefs surrounding yoga in the Upanishads. Today, over 36 million people practice yoga, and it makes sense that those who seek balance in mind and body also seek it in nature—through sustainable shopping for eco-friendly yoga mats and other practice essentials. Not only does yoga improve […]