
Hurricane Kay Could Be Rare Tropical Storm to Impact California

Hurricane Kay Could Be Rare Tropical Storm to Impact California

Hurricane Kay, which is currently churning off the coast of Baja California, could be the rare Northeast Pacific hurricane to impact the northern Mexican peninsula as well as drought-ravaged Southern California. The storm could bring relief to a state baking under a record-breaking September heat wave, but heavy rainfall poses risks as well.  “[I]t’s never […]

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    Drought and Heat Bring ‘False Autumn’ to UK Trees

    Drought and Heat Bring ‘False Autumn’ to UK Trees

    People across the UK have noticed trees changing color and losing their leaves early, but this isn’t because of a sudden cold snap. In fact, the opposite is to blame. A summer of heat waves and drought worsened by the climate crisis is putting pressure on the nation’s trees and might even kill some of […]

    Drought Reveals Long-Submerged Settlements in Europe

    Drought Reveals Long-Submerged Settlements in Europe

    The Welsh village of Llanwddyn is the latest submerged settlement to be revealed by falling water levels as Europe’s worst drought in centuries continues to parch the region. Residents of Llanwddyn were displaced in the 1880s by the Liverpool Corporation Waterworks to make way for a reservoir for that rapidly growing industrial city. The then-submerged […]

    ‘New Normal’ Drought Grips Europe

    ‘New Normal’ Drought Grips Europe

    More than 100 French municipalities have no running drinking water as the country enters its fourth heat wave this summer while drought tightens its grip on Europe. Sixty percent of land in the EU and UK was under a drought warning or alert in mid-July, the European Drought Observatory said Monday. “No similar data in the last 230 years […]

    Great Salt Lake Water Level Drops to Record Low

    Great Salt Lake Water Level Drops to Record Low

    Amid a mega-drought across the western U.S., the Great Salt Lake in Utah has now reached a record-low water level, its second record low in less than one year. The water level plummeted to an average daily surface water elevation of 4,190.1 feet. This is the lowest water level since recording began in 1847, as […]