drinking water

Flint Residents Now Pay Full Price for Water They Still Can’t Drink

Flint Residents Now Pay Full Price for Water They Still Can’t Drink

By Nika Knight The state of Michigan has declared that Flint’s drinking water “meets all federal water quality standards,” ending a program Wednesday that reimbursed residents for most of their water costs in the wake of the lead crisis. Yet Flint residents still can’t drink the water and the announcement was met with outrage. 1,700 […]

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    1,700 Flint Residents File Class-Action Lawsuit Against the EPA

    1,700 Flint Residents File Class-Action Lawsuit Against the EPA

    By Sydney Robinson More than 1,700 residents of Flint, Michigan, are seeking legal compensation in a class-action lawsuit against the U.S. government for the handling of the lead water crisis in their city. The litigation has been a long time coming for a community that has suffered well over two years with poisoned water and […]

    Is Your Tap Water Safe to Drink?

    Is Your Tap Water Safe to Drink?

    Tap water in the U.S. is generally safe to drink. At least that’s what we are told by medical professionals and government agencies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which regulates public drinking water, aims to “ensure and protect the quality of Americans’ drinking water” under the Safe Drinking Water Act, established in 1974. Reports […]

    Erin Brockovich Calls on EPA to Finally Set Standard for Carcinogen Found in Millions of Americans’ Tap Water

    Erin Brockovich Calls on EPA to Finally Set Standard for Carcinogen Found in Millions of Americans’ Tap Water

    As news about North Carolina’s governor and his administration downplaying the risks of drinking water contaminated with hexavalent chromium unfolds, two leading environmental health advocates are pushing the Obama administration to finally set a nationwide standard for the highly toxic chemical. Erin Brockovich, a noted environmental health advocate and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) President […]

    France Shows Why Water Privatization Is a Bad Idea

    France Shows Why Water Privatization Is a Bad Idea

    Food & Water Watch Just 50 days before the World Water Forum and the Alternative World Water Forum take place in Marseille, France, the European Commission has announced formal anti-trust proceedings against French water companies Veolia, Suez and subsidiaries Lyonnaise des Eaux and SAUR. The commission will examine whether companies have coordinated their behaviour in […]