drinking water

Tyson Foods Linked to Largest Toxic Dead Zone in U.S. History

Tyson Foods Linked to Largest Toxic Dead Zone in U.S. History

By Shana Gallagher What comes to mind when you think of Tyson Foods? A chicken nugget? A big red logo? How about the largest toxic dead zone in U.S. history? It turns out the meat industry—and corporate giants like Tyson Foods—are directly linked to this environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, and many others. […]

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    Florida Faces 3 Toxic Crises Triggered by Flooding

    Florida Faces 3 Toxic Crises Triggered by Flooding

    By Dipika Kadaba Ah, Florida—home to famous natural landscapes and amazing wildlife, but also to more than 20 million people and billion-dollar industries. Decades of booming development in Florida—all of it built in the path of Atlantic hurricanes—have brought to a head some toxic problems the state still struggles to solve. Every major flooding event, […]

    The Old, Hidden Pipeline at the Bottom of the Great Lakes

    The Old, Hidden Pipeline at the Bottom of the Great Lakes

    By Conor Mihell At dawn, I launch my kayak and paddle into a velvety expanse of turquoise water. Here, in northern Michigan’s Straits of Mackinac, Great Lakes Michigan and Huron meet like the middle of an hourglass. To the east, the rounded form of Mackinac Island is the centerpiece of an archipelago in Lake Huron. […]

    Food and Water Security and the Climate Crisis: What You Need to Know

    Food and Water Security and the Climate Crisis: What You Need to Know

    Chances are you’ve heard the line that the climate crisis affects all of us, wherever we live and whether we know it or not. But how? Especially if you haven’t been personally touched by a climate-related hurricane or drought or other weather event? You don’t have to look far for an answer. In fact, most […]

    Puerto Rico Faces ‘Apocalyptic’ Conditions: Humanitarian Crisis Grows for 3.4 Million U.S. Citizens

    Puerto Rico Faces ‘Apocalyptic’ Conditions: Humanitarian Crisis Grows for 3.4 Million U.S. Citizens

    Puerto Rico’s humanitarian crisis continued to grow over the weekend, as officials described “apocalyptic” conditions across the island in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Many of the 3.4 million American citizens living on the island are without power and disconnected from communications, and officials estimate some areas won’t see power restored for months. Isolated towns […]

    Meet the 4 Horsemen of the EPA-pocalypse

    Meet the 4 Horsemen of the EPA-pocalypse

    By Mary Anne Hitt Every week, another decision that endangers our families seems to come out of Scott Pruitt’s and Donald Trump’s U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The latest facepalm/outrage comes in the form of confirmation hearings that start this week for four completely unacceptable nominees to critical leadership positions at EPA. This Wednesday, Sep. […]

    EPA Chemical Safety Nominee Is a Hired Gun for Tobacco and Chemical Industries

    EPA Chemical Safety Nominee Is a Hired Gun for Tobacco and Chemical Industries

    By Jack Pratt For decades, a weak law left Americans at risk from toxic chemicals in everyday products such as cleaners and fabrics. As a result, chemicals tied to infertility, learning disabilities and even cancer found their way into all our homes, schools and workplaces. A turn-around looked likely in 2016 when Congress passed a […]

    What You Need to Know About the Clean Water Rule

    What You Need to Know About the Clean Water Rule

    By Rebecca Long, American Rivers On June 27 Administrator Scott Pruitt of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a roll back of an Obama-era administration policy that protected more than half the nation’s streams from pollution. “We are taking significant action to return power to the states and provide regulatory certainty to our nation’s […]