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    How to Plan a Vegetable Garden for Even the Smallest of Spaces

    How to Plan a Vegetable Garden for Even the Smallest of Spaces

    You don’t have to settle for that little potted basil plant on your windowsill; any small outdoor space can be transformed into a beautiful, productive vegetable garden, or a fire escape into a fresh-food oasis. Even just a 10×10 plot can grow a hundred pounds of produce, if you plan ahead and maximize your space. 

    8 Easy Vegan Meal Prep Ideas

    8 Easy Vegan Meal Prep Ideas

    Eating vegan sometimes requires some creativity, and that can translate to more time spent in the kitchen. While some people love experimenting with recipes, there’s not always enough time in the day — especially during busy weekdays — to prepare something delicious. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make vegan meals quick and easy. […]

    6 Wellness Shots You Can Make at Home​

    6 Wellness Shots You Can Make at Home​

    If you’re a regular at the juice bar, you might recognize the 4-oz bottles of wellness shots offered alongside their full-size counterparts. These shots are essentially concentrated versions of healthful juices, and are meant to provide a burst of nutrients in a very small dose. The superfoods, spices, and other ingredients in the shots are […]

    Cut Down on Plastic By Making These 10 Kitchen Staples From Scratch

    Cut Down on Plastic By Making These 10 Kitchen Staples From Scratch

    Of all plastic produced, only 9% ever gets recycled, according to National Geographic, and 8 million metric tons make their way into oceans every year, much of which is single-use plastic. Cutting down on single-use plastics in your life might mean bringing your own reusable straw on a coffee run, swapping plastic bags for reusable […]

    How to Make Your Own Zero-Waste Herbal Tea Blends

    How to Make Your Own Zero-Waste Herbal Tea Blends

    With a history dating back thousands of years, herbal tea has played an important role in ancient and modern cultures. Believed to have originated in China, tea has been brewed and revered for its health properties across the world. Herbal tea is known to boost the immune system with its vitamins and antioxidants, improve digestion, […]

    12 Creative Ways to Use Citrus Peels

    12 Creative Ways to Use Citrus Peels

    As much as we love composting, citrus peels are too valuable to be tossed. Lemons, limes, grapefruits, oranges, clementines, or any of your other favorite citrus fruits can be used in their entirety. The peels may carry even more nutritional benefits than the fruit inside: just one tablespoon of orange peel supplies 3x more vitamin […]

    9 Vegetables You Can Grow (Almost) Anywhere

    9 Vegetables You Can Grow (Almost) Anywhere

    It doesn’t take much room to grow your own food: a patio, porch, sidewalk, or even a sunny windowsill will do the trick. Container gardening, a practice adopted by many urban growers, provides you the pleasure of gardening with a fraction of the space. Growing a few vegetables that you buy regularly – whether that […]

    16 Recipes That Give New Life to  Your Fruit and Veggie Scraps

    16 Recipes That Give New Life to Your Fruit and Veggie Scraps

    Some food scraps are too tasty to end up in the compost bin; most fruit and vegetable peels, stalks, and greens can be baked, boiled, roasted, and blended for a zero-waste meal. About 30-40% of our national food supply is wasted each year, which accounts for 11% of US greenhouse gas emissions. Most food scraps […]