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    Washington Dam Is Being Removed After Decades-Long Battle

    Washington Dam Is Being Removed After Decades-Long Battle

    By Tara Lohan The conclusion to decades of work to remove a dam on the Middle Fork Nooksack River east of Bellingham, Washington began with a bang yesterday as crews breached the dam with a carefully planned detonation. This explosive denouement is also a beginning. Over the next couple of weeks, crews will fully remove […]

    Five Ways Mega-Dams Harm the Environment

    Five Ways Mega-Dams Harm the Environment

    By Sonya Angelica Diehn Dams are often touted as environmentally friendly. Although they do represent a renewable source of energy, a closer look reveals that they are far from green. DW lays out the biggest environmental problems of mega-dams. 1. Dams Alter Ecosystems  Water is life — and since dams block water, that impacts life […]

    Boom: Removing 81 Dams Is Transforming This California Watershed

    Boom: Removing 81 Dams Is Transforming This California Watershed

    Removing one gigantic dam can have a massive effect on restoring a river ecosystem. But bringing down more than 80 smaller dams? That can also cause a transformation. This spring the Forest Service, aided by U.S. Marine Corps members, will blast apart 13 more dams in the Trabuco ranger district in Southern California’s Cleveland National […]

    Giant Chinese Fish Is Now Extinct After Surviving Millions of Years

    Giant Chinese Fish Is Now Extinct After Surviving Millions of Years

    Scientists have concluded of the largest freshwater fish species in the world is now extinct because of human activity. The Chinese paddlefish, sometimes called the “panda of the Yangtze River,” was found to have been lost to overfishing and habitat destruction, Phys.org reported Wednesday. Its extinction was announced and documented by researchers at the Chinese […]