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    Why Consumers Need to Force Ben & Jerry’s to Go Organic

    Why Consumers Need to Force Ben & Jerry’s to Go Organic

    The most important thing we can do today as conscious consumers, farmers and food workers is to regenerate public health, the environment and climate stability. We can do this most readily by moving away from industrial, GMO and factory-farm food toward an organic, pasture-based, soil-regenerative, humane, carbon-sequestering and climate-friendly agriculture system. What’s standing in the […]

    What the Dairy Industry Is Not Telling You

    What the Dairy Industry Is Not Telling You

    Why are so many people convinced that dairy is the best source of calcium? A strategic marketing campaign from the dairy industry would have us believe that by drinking milk, we will be protected from bone crippling osteoporosis, but the opposite may be true. Drinking milk leaches calcium from our bones and thereby creates a deficiency […]