
Former Japanese American Incarceration Site Becomes America’s Newest National Park

Former Japanese American Incarceration Site Becomes America’s Newest National Park

The National Park Service (NPS) has announced that southeastern Colorado’s Amache National Historic Site is officially the country’s newest national park. During World War II, Amache was one of 10 sites where thousands of Japanese Americans were detained and imprisoned. The Town of Granada, located one mile away, acquired and donated the necessary land for […]

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    ‘We’re Wiping Out One of the World’s Oldest and Toughest Creatures’: Green Groups Urge Endangered Protections for Horseshoe Crabs

    ‘We’re Wiping Out One of the World’s Oldest and Toughest Creatures’: Green Groups Urge Endangered Protections for Horseshoe Crabs

    Horseshoe crabs have been on Earth for more than 450 million years — since before the dinosaurs. They are more closely related to spiders and scorpions than crustaceans and can live as long as 25 years. Despite having lived through ice ages, the breaking apart of the continents and many other geological and atmospheric changes […]

    4 Natural Wonders of the Pacific Northwest

    4 Natural Wonders of the Pacific Northwest

    If you’re looking to go on an adventure in the great outdoors, the variety of landscapes in the Pacific Northwest — from temperate rainforest and brilliant geological formations to expansive sand dunes and stunning river-carved canyons — are awe-inspiring for even the seasoned traveler. Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park, Washington State Named for the Hoh […]

    Scientists Create Artificial Worm Gut That Breaks Down Plastic

    Scientists Create Artificial Worm Gut That Breaks Down Plastic

    News of plastic-eating enzymes and insects has been making headlines in recent years. Take, for example, fungi that digests plastic in coastal salt marshes, or the greater wax moth caterpillar that can live on polyethylene in its larval stage. However, to utilize these plastic-eating organisms, scientists would need to be able to breed them in […]