
381 New Species Discovered in the Amazon

381 New Species Discovered in the Amazon

A new WWF and Mamirauá Institute for Sustainable Development report, released Aug. 30, reveals that a new animal or plant species is discovered in the Amazon every two days, the fastest rate to be observed this century. The findings come as huge parts of the forest are increasingly under threat, sparking further concern over the […]

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    Legal Levels of Roundup Pose Risks for Stream Algae

    Legal Levels of Roundup Pose Risks for Stream Algae

    Even though glyphosate is used to control weeds in agricultural fields, the world’s most commonly used weedkiller has also been detected in streams, rivers and other aquatic systems worldwide due to runoff. As we learn more and more about the potential environmental risks of glyphosate runoff, in Brazil—where almost 188,000 tons of glyphosate was sold […]

    7 Major Environmental Issues Already Spoiling the Rio Olympics

    7 Major Environmental Issues Already Spoiling the Rio Olympics

    From doping scandals to security concerns, the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil has been embroiled by one crisis after another—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. As athletes and hundreds of thousands of tourists around the world descend into Rio de Janeiro, here are seven health and environmental controversies that have already made headlines […]

    Hundreds Protest Against Genetically Engineered Trees

    Hundreds Protest Against Genetically Engineered Trees

    Global Justice Ecology Project Hundreds of demonstrators marched on an international forest biotechnology industry conference yesterday, demanding a ban on the release of genetically engineered (GE) trees into the environment. The protest, the largest yet against GE trees, occurred one day after two Asheville residents were arrested while disrupting a presentation, Engineering Trees for the […]

    Vote for Vale as 2011’s Worst Corporation

    Vote for Vale as 2011’s Worst Corporation

    International Rivers Vale—the world’s largest iron-ore mining company and part owner of the Belo Monte Dam—is up to win the Public Eye Award, given annually to the corporation with the most dismal record in the world in terms of social and environmental responsibility. Vale owns a 9 percent stake in the consortium that is building […]