barack obama

Obama Calls Out Trump’s Attitude on Environment

Obama Calls Out Trump’s Attitude on Environment

During a recent interview in Norway, former president Barack Obama answered an interesting question: What would you do if you had one more day as president? In response, Obama said there was “a lot of unfinished business” when he left office, but if he had more time, he would urge a higher global focus on […]

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    Major Fossil Fuel Divestments Strengthen Renewable Energy Movement Worldwide

    Major Fossil Fuel Divestments Strengthen Renewable Energy Movement Worldwide

    TckTckTck Storebrand, a major Norwegian pension fund and life insurance firm, has announced it has divested from 19 fossil fuel companies. Announcing the move, the group’s head of sustainable investment, Christine Tørklep Meisingset, said it had gone down the divestment route to “reduce fossil fuel and CO2 [carbon dioxide] exposure and ensure long-term stable returns” for […]