authority nutrition

10 Ways to Tell if You’re Dehydrated

10 Ways to Tell if You’re Dehydrated

By Becky Bell Water is absolutely necessary for survival. It makes up approximately 60 percent of the human body, with every system depending on water to function properly. Thus, dehydration—or a lack of body water—has widespread repercussions. While mild dehydration is easily remedied, severe dehydration is a serious condition that can lead to loss of […]

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    7-Day Plan to Start a Raw Food, Vegan Diet

    7-Day Plan to Start a Raw Food, Vegan Diet

    By Taylor Jones The raw food diet has been around since the 1800s, but has surged in popularity in recent years. Its supporters believe that consuming mostly raw foods is ideal for human health and has many benefits, including weight loss and better overall health. However, health experts warn that eating a mostly raw diet […]

    8 Natural Ways to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

    8 Natural Ways to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

    By Kayla McDonell Added sugar is probably the single worst ingredient in the modern diet. It has been associated with many serious diseases, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. What’s more, most people consume way too much sugar and often have no idea. Fortunately, there are many ways to sweeten foods without adding sugar. […]

    10 Foods to Avoid if You’re on a Low FODMAP Diet

    10 Foods to Avoid if You’re on a Low FODMAP Diet

    By Dr. Megan Rossi Food is a common trigger of digestive issues. In particular, foods that are high in fermentable carbs can cause symptoms like gas, bloating and stomach pain. A group of these carbs is known as FODMAPs and foods can be classified as either high or low in these carbs. Restricting high-FODMAP foods […]

    5 Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt

    5 Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt

    By Helen West Greek yogurt is a thicker, creamier version of regular yogurt. It has become an increasingly popular food, especially among the health conscious and is often promoted as a healthier choice than regular yogurt. This article explores the health benefits of Greek yogurt and checks out how it compares to regular varieties. What […]

    13 Powerful Home Remedies for Acne

    13 Powerful Home Remedies for Acne

    By Kayla McDonell Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the world, affecting an estimated 85 percent of people at some point in their lives. Conventional acne treatments can be expensive and often have undesirable side effects like dryness, redness and irritation. This has prompted many people to look into how to […]

    8 Reasons to Eat Edamame

    8 Reasons to Eat Edamame

    By Dr. Atli Arnarson Soybeans are one of the world’s most popular and versatile food crops. They are processed into a variety of food products, such as soy protein, tofu, soybean oil, soy sauce, miso, natto and tempeh. Soybeans are also eaten whole, including as immature soybeans known as edamame. Traditionally eaten in Asia, edamame […]

    Can Eating Too Few Calories Lower Your Metabolism?

    Can Eating Too Few Calories Lower Your Metabolism?

    By Alina Petre People trying to lose weight often restrict the number of calories they eat. However, restricting calories too severely can lead to a variety of health problems, including reduced fertility and weaker bones. This article describes five potentially harmful effects of calorie restriction and helps you determine the calorie deficit that’s right for […]

    Are Eggs a Good Source of Protein?

    Are Eggs a Good Source of Protein?

    By Adda Bjarnadottir Most people know that eggs are very healthy. Not only that—they’re also a great source of high-quality protein. Getting enough protein is very important for building bones and muscle, as well as maintaining good overall health. But how much protein can you expect to get from eggs? How Much Protein Does One […]