
Seals Reveal How Antarctic Sea Ice Melt Affects Ocean Currents

Seals Reveal How Antarctic Sea Ice Melt Affects Ocean Currents

By Tim Radford Scientists have recruited the elephant seal—the bruiser of the pinniped world—to explore and report back on the dynamics of ocean currents in the Antarctic winter. Elephant seal carrying satellite-linked sensor in Prydz Bay, Antarctica.University of Tasmania And the mammals have delivered a potentially ominous message: because fresh water is melting from the […]

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    Seals Reveal How Antarctic Sea Ice Melt Affects Ocean Currents

    Seals Reveal How Antarctic Sea Ice Melt Affects Ocean Currents

    By Tim Radford Scientists have recruited the elephant seal—the bruiser of the pinniped world—to explore and report back on the dynamics of ocean currents in the Antarctic winter. Elephant seal carrying satellite-linked sensor in Prydz Bay, Antarctica.University of Tasmania And the mammals have delivered a potentially ominous message: because fresh water is melting from the […]