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    Could Tolerant and Peaceful Bonobos Be the Model for Human Peacemaking?

    Could Tolerant and Peaceful Bonobos Be the Model for Human Peacemaking?

    Humans share 98.7 percent of their DNA with two species of endangered great apes: bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Bonobos — which can only be found in forested regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), south of the Congo River — differ from chimpanzees in appearance and behavior. They are usually smaller, and their societal groups are led by females and are generally more peaceful.

    ‘Grolar Bears’: Is Cross-Breeding to Protect Vulnerable Species From Climate Change a Good Idea?

    ‘Grolar Bears’: Is Cross-Breeding to Protect Vulnerable Species From Climate Change a Good Idea?

    Species cross-breed in nature in order to share traits that bolster them from certain environmental changes, and cross-breeding may become more common as the planet heats up and animals migrate to cooler areas. For instance, as grizzly bears have made their way north, Canada and Alaska have become home to “grolar bears,” The Guardian reported. […]