
World’s Largest Tropical Reforestation to Plant 73 Million Trees in Brazilian Amazon

World’s Largest Tropical Reforestation to Plant 73 Million Trees in Brazilian Amazon

The largest tropical reforestation effort in history aims to restore 73 million trees in the Brazilian Amazon by 2023. The multimillion dollar, six-year project, led by Conservation International, spans 30,000 hectares of land—the equivalent of the size of 30,000 soccer fields, or nearly 70,000 acres. The effort will help Brazil move towards its Paris agreement […]

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    How New Dams in Amazon Put Entire World at Risk

    How New Dams in Amazon Put Entire World at Risk

    By Tim Radford What’s considered by some to be clean energy could devastate the Amazon, according to new research. A massive increase in hydropower from a series of planned Amazon dams could harm the world’s most important rainforest all the way from the slopes of the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean. Altogether, 428 dams are […]

    Big Oil Faces Big Trouble in the Amazon

    Big Oil Faces Big Trouble in the Amazon

    By Andy Rowell We have known for years that the days of finding easy oil outside the Middle East are over. It means that the oil industry has to go into fragile ecological areas like the Arctic or exploit dirty unconventionals like the tar sands or shale gas. Or the industry can go deep offshore, […]

    Amazing Underwater Photos Reveal Newly Discovered Brazilian Coral Reef

    Amazing Underwater Photos Reveal Newly Discovered Brazilian Coral Reef

    Greenpeace Brazil has captured the first underwater images of the Amazon Reef, a 9,500 km2 system of corals, sponges and rhodoliths located where the Amazon River meets the Atlantic Ocean—an area that the Brazilian government has opened for oil exploration. A team of experts, including several oceanographers who announced the discovery of the reef last […]