
Climate Crisis Likely to Cause Food Shortages Before We Reach 1.5°C Threshold, UN Expert Says

Climate Crisis Likely to Cause Food Shortages Before We Reach 1.5°C Threshold, UN Expert Says

According to Alain-Ricahrd Donwahi, the president of last year’s United Nations’ COP15 conference on desertification and a former defense minister from the Ivory Coast, it is likely that the planet will experience a major food supply disruption long before temperatures reach the threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. This is due to the […]

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    Nearly Half of Earth’s Animal Species Are in Decline, Study Finds

    Nearly Half of Earth’s Animal Species Are in Decline, Study Finds

    In a study on more than 71,000 animal species around the world, researchers discovered that about 48% are declining. The research, led by Queen’s University Belfast, is one of the most comprehensive and alarming studies on biodiversity loss. The researchers analyzed population data on mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish and insects. More From EcoWatch What […]

    Egg Labels, Decoded

    Egg Labels, Decoded

    Faced with a wall of egg cartons at the grocery store, all plastered with different labels and phrases, it’s hard to know what to choose. Which is better: cage-free, free range or pasture-raised? What does “farm-fresh” mean? What lies behind the USDA Organic label? Are vegetarian-fed hens healthier and happier? Without uniform regulation of these […]