factory farming

Here’s What Happened When I Tried to Rescue Piglets From a Factory Farm

Here’s What Happened When I Tried to Rescue Piglets From a Factory Farm

By Jenny McQueen For a city girl, I’ve had a lot of experience with pigs. I’ve visited with them in sanctuaries, given belly rubs (they love those), introduced little children to them, rescued and cared for young piglets, witnessed distressed, overheated/freezing/thirsty young pigs in slaughter trucks, and experienced the hellish conditions inside a pig breeding […]

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    Popular Diestel Turkey Sold at Whole Foods Tests Positive for FDA-Prohibited Drugs

    Popular Diestel Turkey Sold at Whole Foods Tests Positive for FDA-Prohibited Drugs

    By Katherine Paul Diestel Turkey, sold by Whole Foods and other retailers at premium prices, says on its website that its “animals are never given hormones, antibiotics or growth stimulants.” But Diestel Turkey samples tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggest otherwise, leading consumers to wonder: Can these companies be trusted? According to […]

    Meat and Dairy Greenhouse Emissions ‘Could Lead Us to a Point of No Return’

    Meat and Dairy Greenhouse Emissions ‘Could Lead Us to a Point of No Return’

    Three of the world’s largest meat producers emitted more greenhouse gases in 2016 than France, putting them on par with oil companies such as ExxonMobil, BP and Shell, a recent study found. GRAIN, a non-profit organization, collaborated with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and the Heinrich Böll Foundation to estimate the greenhouse emissions […]

    Oxford Study Attacks Regenerative Agriculture — Monsanto Ally?

    Oxford Study Attacks Regenerative Agriculture — Monsanto Ally?

    The British Empire has schooled the world in colonialism, with resulting devastation in India, Africa and the Americas. While the colonies’ revolutionary army was successful in defeating the British redcoats more than 240 years ago, today we face a new kind of threat from the United Kingdom. A University of Oxford think-tank, the Food Climate […]

    Total Health Costs of Industrial Food Systems Are ‘Staggering’

    Total Health Costs of Industrial Food Systems Are ‘Staggering’

    A new report by international experts draws significant linkages between industrial food and farming practices and many of the “severest health conditions afflicting populations around the world,” from respiratory diseases to a range of cancers and systematic livelihood stresses. The report was released on Oct. 9 and is titled, Unravelling the Food-Health Nexus: Addressing Practices, […]

    Meeting Paris Goals Means Dealing With Climate Impacts of Eating Meat

    Meeting Paris Goals Means Dealing With Climate Impacts of Eating Meat

    By Ashley Braun Environmental groups place a lot of attention on trying to stop new oil, gas and coal development since current fossil fuel projects would likely already blow us past the less-than 2°C upper limit for warming laid out in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. In fact, there’s a whole movement, known as “Keep […]

    What Netflix’s Okja Gets Right About Big Food

    What Netflix’s Okja Gets Right About Big Food

    By Samantha Henry Netflix’s recent, original feature film Okja has triggered a bit of disruption amongst both those in the film industry and enthusiasts in the food movement. The movie targets several issues concerning the current state of our food system, and could be a great watch for those curious about where our food system […]

    New Drone Footage Exposes the Horrors of Factory Farming

    New Drone Footage Exposes the Horrors of Factory Farming

    By Mark Devries The animal agriculture industry spends millions on deceptive advertising to persuade consumers that farmed animals roam freely on bucolic pastures. But I’ve been piloting drones over animal agriculture facilities for several years, and the video I’ve captured tells a far different story. Nearly all animals raised and slaughtered for food in the […]

    Study Links Most Amazon Deforestation to 128 Slaughterhouses

    Study Links Most Amazon Deforestation to 128 Slaughterhouses

    By Eduardo Pegurier, Translated by Bruno Moraes Satellites are mechanical reporters of the Amazon deforestation process. By documenting the degradation and gaps created by the clear-cutting process over the years, they deliver the verdict: Two-thirds of the Amazon’s deforested area has been turned into pastures. From the ground, the cattle count reveals that the Amazon […]