
Our Plastic Habit Now Pollutes the Arctic Ocean

Our Plastic Habit Now Pollutes the Arctic Ocean

Ocean plastic has reached the northernmost ends of the earth. The remote and icy waters of the Arctic Ocean are also being inundated by this form of non-biodegradable pollution. According to a paper published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, currents carrying trash, originating mostly from the North Atlantic, are flowing north into the Greenland […]

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    Spy Images From Cold War a ‘Gold Mine’ for Climate Scientists

    Spy Images From Cold War a ‘Gold Mine’ for Climate Scientists

    The recent declassification of tens of thousands of images from Cold War spy satellites is helping climate scientists compare Siberian terrain between then and now, and they’re showing some obvious signs of climate change. It was common practice during the Cold War for the U.S. and Soviet Union to spy on each other using any […]

    Mystery of Arctic Green Ice Solved by Harvard Scientists

    Mystery of Arctic Green Ice Solved by Harvard Scientists

    Scientists have been seeing mysterious green ice spread across the Arctic floor since 2011. Upon further inspection, they realized it was blooming phytoplankton, a very rare occurrence in this harsh environment. It was thought that this region was too dark for phytoplankton to bloom. The ice is usually so thick that it reflects incoming rays, […]

    Sea Ice Falls to Record Lows in Both the Arctic and Antarctic

    Sea Ice Falls to Record Lows in Both the Arctic and Antarctic

    By Roz Pidcock The Arctic and Antarctic have experienced record lows in sea ice extent so far in 2017, according to the latest data from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). At about this time each year, the Antarctic reaches its lowest extent for the year while the Arctic reaches its highest. […]

    Temperatures Skyrocket in Arctic, Prompt Desperate ‘Refreeze’ Plan

    Temperatures Skyrocket in Arctic, Prompt Desperate ‘Refreeze’ Plan

    Temperature readings near the North Pole soared to 50 degrees F above average on Friday, as a storm pushed warm air into the Arctic region. This is the third such worryingly warm period this winter and sea ice figures released last week show the lowest January ice extent in satellite record—nearly 500,000 square miles below […]

    Global Action on Climate Change Needed to S​ave Polar Bears From Extinction

    Global Action on Climate Change Needed to S​ave Polar Bears From Extinction

    Curbing global greenhouse gas emissions is the “single most important” action needed to protect polar bears, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) urged Monday. No safe haven for polar bears in warming Arctic. via @EcoWatch ACT NOW to #SaveTheArctic: — Money For Change (@moneyforchange_) October 4, 2016 Writing in a conservation […]

    Stunning Portraits Put a Human Face on Climate Change

    Stunning Portraits Put a Human Face on Climate Change

    By Clara Chaisson The image of a solitary polar bear stranded on a melting ice floe is the unofficial poster child of the climate movement. But the world’s climbing temperatures are threatening more than charismatic megafauna; people’s lives and cultural heritage are at risk, too. With his portraits, artist Sean Yoro is helping to put […]

    Shocking Crack in Ice Shelf Grows Another 11 Miles

    Shocking Crack in Ice Shelf Grows Another 11 Miles

    A 70-mile long crack in the Larsen C ice shelf grew another shocking 11 miles in December alone. That leaves just 12 miles before an iceberg the size of Delaware snaps off into the Southern Ocean. Delaware-Sized Chunk of Ice Could Dislodge from #Antarctic Shelf via @EcoWatch #climate — Dan Zukowski (@danzukowski) August 26, […]

    Here’s What You Need to Know on the Upcoming War on Our Health and Environment

    Here’s What You Need to Know on the Upcoming War on Our Health and Environment

    Before Inauguration Day, the Trump era has opened with an extremist agenda that poses an alarming threat to our people, our environment and the core values we share about justice, fair play and our commitment to leave future generations a livable world. Already, we’ve seen a set of cabinet nominees dominated by fossil fuel advocates, […]