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    Beavers Are Migrating North, Altering the Arctic Environment

    Beavers Are Migrating North, Altering the Arctic Environment

    As the Arctic continues to warm, creatures who hadn’t previously inhabited the far northern landscape are taking up residence, including those who build their own homes: beavers. And they’re not only part of the migration of animals taking advantage of the warmer climate — their actions are exacerbating the climate crisis.

    Climate Change Is Destabilizing Earth’s Polar Regions

    Climate Change Is Destabilizing Earth’s Polar Regions

    Temperatures have been rising in the Arctic and Antarctic twice as fast as the rest of the globe, and it is changing the dynamics of the region. Beavers, whose damming activity increases the melting of permafrost, have been seen making the Arctic their new home, the ice shelf holding the enormous Thwaites Glacier in place […]

    We Are Failing the Arctic Report Card

    We Are Failing the Arctic Report Card

    The 2021 Arctic Report Card is in, and it’s not looking good. The region continues to warm twice as fast as the rest of the planet, and this is having a direct impact on communities both near and far from Earth’s northernmost ecosystem, according to the annual report from the NOAA-led Arctic Program. “The Arctic […]