
Canada’s Record-Breaking 2023 Wildfires Released Almost a Decade’s Worth of Emissions, Report Finds

Canada’s Record-Breaking 2023 Wildfires Released Almost a Decade’s Worth of Emissions, Report Finds

Last year’s record-breaking wildfires in Canada produced almost a decade’s worth of greenhouse gas emissions from wildfires in one season. According a new study co-led by University of East Anglia (UEA), the United Kingdom’s Met Office, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH), climate change […]

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    Warmest Sea Surface Temperatures in 400 Years Present ‘Existential Threat’ to Great Barrier Reef, Study Finds

    Warmest Sea Surface Temperatures in 400 Years Present ‘Existential Threat’ to Great Barrier Reef, Study Finds

    Australia’s Great Barrier Reef — the world’s largest coral reef system — has been under critical pressure in recent years, with warming sea surface temperatures leading to mass coral bleaching that threatens its unique biodiversity, ecology and stunning beauty. Temperatures in the Great Barrier Reef have reached the hottest in more than 400 years, new […]

    Nearly 1 in 4 Members of Congress Are Climate Change Deniers: Report

    Nearly 1 in 4 Members of Congress Are Climate Change Deniers: Report

    The Center for American Progress (CAP) has periodically analyzed the statements of sitting members of Congress to find out if they deny that human-caused climate change exists. CAP’s most recent analysis of the 118th United States Congress determined that there are 123 elected officials who are climate deniers — that’s 23 percent of the 535-member […]

    EPA Issues Emergency Ban on the Pesticide Dacthal

    EPA Issues Emergency Ban on the Pesticide Dacthal

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an emergency notice pulling the pesticide dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate, also known as DCPA or Dacthal. The chemical was placed under an emergency order to stop further use, the first order of its kind in nearly four decades, because of the risk it poses to fetuses in pregnant people. […]

    Wildfires Are Creating Their Own Thunderstorms

    Wildfires Are Creating Their Own Thunderstorms

    As wildfires become more frequent and intense, they’re creating raging thunderstorms that fuel them even further, making them much more difficult to fight. These pyrocumulonimbus clouds (pyroCbs) are caused when a wildfire’s intense heat and smoke create strong updrafts, where they condense and form clouds. Those clouds can then develop into fierce thunderstorms that ignite […]

    Vaccinations Work Better Than Culling for Bovine Tuberculosis in Badgers, Study Finds

    Vaccinations Work Better Than Culling for Bovine Tuberculosis in Badgers, Study Finds

    Rather than culling animals amidst major disease outbreaks, a new study has found a potentially more effective alternative: vaccinations. At least that’s what researchers confirmed for curbing bovine tuberculosis in badgers in research recently published in the journal People and Nature. The findings are promising for not only protecting badgers but also cattle, which have […]

    Risk of Tipping Points From Exceeding 1.5°C Can Be Minimized if Global Heating Quickly Reversed, Researchers Say

    Risk of Tipping Points From Exceeding 1.5°C Can Be Minimized if Global Heating Quickly Reversed, Researchers Say

    Current climate policies are putting the world at a high risk of critical Earth system components reaching tipping points, even if global temperatures return to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average following a period of overshoot. However, a new study has found that, if global heating is quickly reversed, these risks could […]