
#MetsUnite to Spread Climate Change Awareness as Heat Wave Season Begins

#MetsUnite to Spread Climate Change Awareness as Heat Wave Season Begins

If you tune in to a TV weather report on today’s Northern hemisphere summer solstice, you might notice the meteorologist wearing a unique striped tie or necklace that begins in blue and changes to red. This isn’t just a fun summer style. The design is actually University of Reading climate scientist Ed Hawkin’s “Warming Stripes” […]

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    Microplastics May Heat Marine Turtle Nests and Produce More Females

    Microplastics May Heat Marine Turtle Nests and Produce More Females

    By Mariana Fuentes Have you ever considered that small pieces of plastic less than 5 millimeters long, or smaller than a pencil eraser head, called microplastics, can affect large marine vertebrates like sea turtles? My research team first discovered this disturbing fact when we started to quantify the amount and type of microplastic at loggerhead […]

    Consumer Product Safety Testing Overlooks Cancer Risk From Exposure to Multiple Chemicals

    Consumer Product Safety Testing Overlooks Cancer Risk From Exposure to Multiple Chemicals

    By Olga Naidenko Mixtures of chemicals commonly found in consumer products are more likely to increase breast cancer risk than the same chemicals individually, according to a new analysis. But safety tests by government regulators don’t routinely evaluate the combined effects of multiple chemical exposures. For a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Toxicological Sciences, […]

    Seven Key Things to Know About ‘Negative Emissions’

    Seven Key Things to Know About ‘Negative Emissions’

    By Jan Minx, Dr. Sabine Fuss and Gregory Nemet Despite the ambitious long-term climate goals of the Paris agreement, there remains a distinct lack of success at ushering in immediate and sustained reductions in global CO2 emissions. This cognitive dissonance has seen the topic of “negative emissions“—also known as “carbon dioxide removal”—move into the limelight […]

    Two Studies Reveal Amazing Resilience of Older Forests

    Two Studies Reveal Amazing Resilience of Older Forests

    Maybe you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but two recent studies revealed that old forests around the world are full of surprises. In Europe, scientists working to complete the first ever map of the continent’s old growth forests discovered there were more of them than previously believed. And in South America, a study […]

    Emails Show EPA’s Cozy Alliance With Major Climate Denial Group

    Emails Show EPA’s Cozy Alliance With Major Climate Denial Group

    Newly released emails show that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Scott Pruitt has routinely been in contact with one of the most prominent climate denier groups, the AP reported this weekend. The emails, obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request by the Environmental Defense Fund and the Southern Environmental Law Center, show […]

    New Oceans Study Could Alter Climate Predictions

    New Oceans Study Could Alter Climate Predictions

    A study published Monday in Nature Geoscience discovered a new factor that is lowering the rate at which oceans absorb carbon dioxide, a finding that could have a major impact on future climate change predictions. Currently, around one-fourth of human generated carbon dioxide emissions are absorbed by oceans, making them the world’s largest carbon sink. […]

    Earth’s Shifting Crust Linked to Climate Change, Scientists Propose

    Earth’s Shifting Crust Linked to Climate Change, Scientists Propose

    By Tim Radford Movements of the earth’s crust may mean that global warming driven by greenhouse gases from power stations and vehicle exhausts isn’t the only threat to life the world faces. About 700 million years ago, global temperatures fell so low that glaciers may have reached the equator. Snowball Earth may have all but […]