Renewable Energy

Future of Offshore Wind Could Be Shaped By Key Approval in Maine

Future of Offshore Wind Could Be Shaped By Key Approval in Maine

A consortium in Maine is all about delivering competitive, offshore wind power in the 2020s, and this week marks a large step in that direction. According to the Bangor Daily News Maine (BDN), the Maine Public Utilities Commission approved a pilot project for offshore wind energy led by Maine Aqua Ventus, a group that consists of Emera, Cianbro Corp. […]

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    Large-Scale Solar Project Funding Grew by $5 Billion in 2013

    Large-Scale Solar Project Funding Grew by $5 Billion in 2013

    Funding for large-scale, solar energy projects across the globe grew immensely in 2013. According to a year-end report from Mercom Capital Group, corporations and undisclosed investors financed projects with about $5 billion more in 2013 than the year before. Large-scale project investments were $13.6 billion last year, compared to $8.7 billion in 2012.  “While venture funding […]

    How Renewable Energy and Organic Farming Helped Revitalize a Small Italian Town

    How Renewable Energy and Organic Farming Helped Revitalize a Small Italian Town

    By Laurie Guevara-​Stone A trip to Varese Ligure, Italy, will bring you face to face with a charming town of pastel-colored houses and a plethora of restaurants serving dishes with organic porcini mushrooms and chestnuts. Stop at the bustling markets and you will see Italians who have traveled from far and wide to purchase the locally […]

    Offshore Wind Farm One Step Closer to Becoming First in U.S.

    Offshore Wind Farm One Step Closer to Becoming First in U.S.

    The Earth Policy Institute listed the Cape Wind project as one of three possibilities for the first offshore wind farm in the U.S., and a recent agreement makes that even more likely. Siemens signed a contract before New Year’s that will allow the German company to supply the $2.6 billion Cape Wind farm with 130 turbines […]

    UK Energy Minister Calls For 4 Million Solar Panels

    UK Energy Minister Calls For 4 Million Solar Panels

    One of the United Kingdom’s ministers wants the government to lead the way in deploying renewable energy—to the tune of 4 million solar panels. Energy Minister Greg Barker said he will announce plans in 2014 for the government estate and the rest of the United Kingdom, according to The Telegraph. “We need to make the government […]

    Wind Companies Scramble to Secure Tax Credit Before Expiration

    Wind Companies Scramble to Secure Tax Credit Before Expiration

    The expiration of the wind Production Tax Credit has already become a certainty, leaving many in the industry racing against time in recent weeks to make sure they qualify. Projects have to be initiated before Jan. 1. As a result, companies are working around the clock to secure deals with turbine manufacturers and farm developers […]

    Scotland Zips Past U.S. on Road to 100 Percent Renewable Energy by 2020

    Scotland Zips Past U.S. on Road to 100 Percent Renewable Energy by 2020

    Scotland is on the fast track to using 100 percent renewable energy by 2020. The country got 40 percent of its power from renewable sources last year—a 24-percent improvement from 2010. To show just how far behind the U.S. is from that mark, Juan Cole skips over a nation-to-nation comparison in favor of pitting the […]

    Failure to Pass Tax Credit Creates Uncertainty for Wind Industry

    Failure to Pass Tax Credit Creates Uncertainty for Wind Industry

    By Ryan Koronowski The U.S. House of Representatives has already gone on vacation back to their districts and the Senate effectively adjourned for 2013 on Friday, meaning that the one-year extension of the Wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) will expire on Jan. 1, 2014. The PTC is a $0.022 per kilowatt-hour tax credit on the power that new wind […]