Renewable Energy

Elon Musk and SolarCity Executives Announce Plan For World’s Largest Solar Panel Production Plant

Elon Musk and SolarCity Executives Announce Plan For World’s Largest Solar Panel Production Plant

Elon Musk’s alternate-energy aspirations don’t end with Tesla’s electric vehicles. Musk is also chairman of SolarCity, a firm responsible for three times the solar panel installations as its closest competitor. Along with executives Peter Rive and Lyndon Rive, Musk announced this week that the company will create a solar plant that would be the equivalent of Tesla’s […]

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    Ohio Becomes First State to Roll Back Renewable Energy Mandate

    Ohio Becomes First State to Roll Back Renewable Energy Mandate

    Ohio Gov. John Kasich said two years ago that he had “no doubt” that the renewable energy bill he signed would last 100 years. After a state House of Representatives vote Wednesday afternoon, that appears unlikely. The state House approved Senate Bill 310, 53 to 38, making Ohio the first in the U.S. to freeze renewable […]

    Ohio Newspapers Remain Silent on ALEC as Group Influences State Senate’s Anti-Renewable Legislation

    Ohio Newspapers Remain Silent on ALEC as Group Influences State Senate’s Anti-Renewable Legislation

    As the Ohio Senate’s members debated about and eventually passed legislation to freeze renewable energy and efficiency standards for two years, some of the state’s most-read newspapers chose American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) affiliates for nearly half of their interviews. Still, none of those publications have mentioned ALEC once since April 7, according to analysis from […]

    Germany Generates Record-Setting 74 Percent of Energy From Renewables

    Germany Generates Record-Setting 74 Percent of Energy From Renewables

    Germany remains one of the best examples around the world for countries, regions and communities with dreams of amping up their renewable energy generation. The country on Sunday set a record by generating 74 percent of energy from renewable sources, according to Renewables International. The news follows a record-setting first quarter for the country, with renewables […]

    Global Renewable Energy Jobs Grow to 6.5 Million​

    Global Renewable Energy Jobs Grow to 6.5 Million​

    Renewable energy employment has topped a combined 6.5 million jobs around the globe, according to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).   Released Monday morning, Renewable Energy and Jobs—Annual Review 2014 shows that jobs in the wind, solar and other clean energy sectors grew by nearly 1 million from 2012 to 2013. China, Brazil, […]

    Warren Buffett to Close One of Nation’s Dirtiest Coal Plants in Favor of Solar Energy

    Warren Buffett to Close One of Nation’s Dirtiest Coal Plants in Favor of Solar Energy

    One of the dirtiest coal-fired power plants in the U.S. will soon shut down, thanks to a well-known billionaire and previously passed legislation. As part of its acquisition of Nevada’s largest utility, NV Energy, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway also inherited Reid Gardner, a 557-megawatt (MW), coal-fired energy plant near Las Vegas. The massive structure, which has […]

    Why Renewable Energy Subsidies Are the Most Transparent Kind

    Why Renewable Energy Subsidies Are the Most Transparent Kind

    From direct government support to tax breaks and the cost of negative externalities like pollution, subsidies to the power sector take many different—and often hidden—forms. In fact, the exact definition of a subsidy was the crux of an at times heated debate, “subsidies to the power sector: Europe’s best kept secret?” hosted by the European […]

    It’s Time To Double Down on Renewable Energy and Move Beyond Coal

    It’s Time To Double Down on Renewable Energy and Move Beyond Coal

    I would never argue that we should ignore the problems being caused by climate disruption around the world—we need to acknowledge and take responsibility for them. But I believe it’s equally important to tell some other parts of the story: That we are not powerless and that we have solutions we can start using now. […]