Renewable Energy

Ohio Utilities Take Renewable Energy Fight to State Supreme Court

Ohio Utilities Take Renewable Energy Fight to State Supreme Court

A case going before the Ohio Supreme Court could have a major impact on distributed generation in the state, while raising questions about corporate separation and possible conflicts of interest for regulated utilities. The PUCO’s recent decision holds that customers who provide excess electricity to the grid are entitled to the full value that would […]

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    The World Is Going Solar

    The World Is Going Solar

    The world is going solar. According to new data released by the Fraunhofer Institute, in the first half of 2014, renewable energy, like solar power, accounted for almost 31 percent of all electricity produced in Germany. In fact, solar power generation was up 28 percent during the first half of 2014, compared to the same time last year.  The solar […]

    Global Energy Markets Reach Tipping Point Giving Renewables an Edge

    Global Energy Markets Reach Tipping Point Giving Renewables an Edge

    Global energy markets are reaching a tipping point. A pathway has opened for climate progress, but only if governments, business and public recognize and exploit the opportunity. For the first time, a large fraction of the world’s fossil fuels could be replaced at a lower cost by clean energy, with today’s renewable technologies and prices. […]

    Germany’s Windiest State Set to Achieve 100-Percent Renewable Energy

    Germany’s Windiest State Set to Achieve 100-Percent Renewable Energy

    While some countries around the world try to figure out how to deploy more clean energy, one German state is planning on having enough renewables for exportation. Known as Germany’s windiest area, Schleswig-Holstein believes it could provide 100 percent renewable energy at some point this year, Renewables International reported. Producing as much renewable energy as it […]

    Elon Musk and SolarCity Executives Announce Plan For World’s Largest Solar Panel Production Plant

    Elon Musk and SolarCity Executives Announce Plan For World’s Largest Solar Panel Production Plant

    Elon Musk’s alternate-energy aspirations don’t end with Tesla’s electric vehicles. Musk is also chairman of SolarCity, a firm responsible for three times the solar panel installations as its closest competitor. Along with executives Peter Rive and Lyndon Rive, Musk announced this week that the company will create a solar plant that would be the equivalent of Tesla’s […]

    Why Ohio’s Budget Update Will Further Crush Renewable Energy

    Why Ohio’s Budget Update Will Further Crush Renewable Energy

    Fresh off signing the nation’s first renewable energy freeze, Ohio Gov. John Kasich approved a biennial budget update that could further damage the state’s ability to harness electricity alternatives. Amid various tax cuts, House Bill 483 contains language requiring wind turbines to be about 1,300 feet from a property line as opposed to previous regulations that required […]

    Ohio Gov. John Kasich Signs Nation’s First Renewable Energy Freeze

    Ohio Gov. John Kasich Signs Nation’s First Renewable Energy Freeze

    It took two weeks, but now it’s official—Ohio is the nation’s first state to roll back renewable energy standards. After the state House of Representatives passed Senate Bill 310 in May, Gov. John Kasich signature was all that was missing to ensure Ohio’s clean-energy fall from grace. The standards—first passed in 2008 and reauthorized two […]

    Developing Countries Lead Global Surge in Renewable Energy Capacity

    Developing Countries Lead Global Surge in Renewable Energy Capacity

    The number of developing nations with policies supporting renewable energy has surged more than six-fold in just eight years, from 15 developing countries in 2005 to 95 early this year, according to a report from REN21, an international nonprofit renewable energy policy network. Countries with renewable energy policies or targets in place in early 2014 (top), […]