Renewable Energy

Google X Announces Revolutionary Flying Wind Turbines at SXSW

Google X Announces Revolutionary Flying Wind Turbines at SXSW

Wind currently makes up a small percentage of global power, but that is quickly changing. Over time, wind turbines have become taller, heavier and more expensive in order to generate more power. According to Google, “These large structures are expensive and complex to construct and can only be installed where the winds routinely reach speeds of between […]

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    Off Grid Living on Manhattan-Sized Island

    Off Grid Living on Manhattan-Sized Island

    Whether you want reduce your environmental impact or ditch city life, many of us dream of dropping off the grid and living off the land. Not many of can actually cut the cord, but on the small island of Lasqueti, about 400 residents are living out that dream. The island lies about 50 miles northwest […]

    Oil Can’t Compete With Renewables, Says National Bank of Abu Dhabi

    Oil Can’t Compete With Renewables, Says National Bank of Abu Dhabi

    You wouldn’t expect a bank in the oil-rich Middle East to be touting the future of renewable energy over that of oil. But that’s just what the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) is doing with its new report, Financing the Future of Energy: The opportunity for the Gulf’s financial services sector. Even with its rapid […]

    Google Invests $300 Million in SolarCity to Make Going Solar Easier

    Google Invests $300 Million in SolarCity to Make Going Solar Easier

    SolarCity has announced a $750 million fund to help defray the costs of solar panel installation in residential homes in 14 states and the District of Columbia. Following Apple’s recent partnership with First Solar, Google has committed $300 million to the new fund—its largest renewable energy investment to date. Google has contributed a little less than half […]

    World’s First Wave Energy Array Goes Online

    World’s First Wave Energy Array Goes Online

    Australia’s Carnegie Wave Energy has officially switched on a new onshore power station of its wave energy project—the world’s first commercial-scale, grid-connected wave energy array. Ocean waves, a source of renewable energy. Photo credit: Barbara Walsh / Creative Commons It is also represents the first time that wave-generated energy has been fed into the grid in Australia. […]

    Solar Industry Prepares for Battle Against Koch Brothers’ Front Groups

    Solar Industry Prepares for Battle Against Koch Brothers’ Front Groups

    Mark Twain said it best, there are “lies, damned lies and statistics.” It’s hard to tell which is which after closely reviewing the latest hatchet job on solar energy by the Koch brothers’ front group, The Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA). If the Koch brothers and their minions want to have a discussion about the solar […]

    9,200 Solar Jobs in Arizona Despite Resistance from Big Utilities

    9,200 Solar Jobs in Arizona Despite Resistance from Big Utilities

    Few states in the U.S. seem more ideal for solar energy generation than Arizona. With close to 300 or even more sunny or partly sunny days on average each year in most of the state, there’s no lack of the essential ingredient. Arizona’s employment in the solar power sector is the third largest in the […]

    Look Out Utility Companies: Tesla is Disrupting More Than Just the Auto Industry

    Look Out Utility Companies: Tesla is Disrupting More Than Just the Auto Industry

    Elon Musk, founder of Tesla Motors, has been leading the way in innovation in the auto industry for more than a decade. The Model S made waves at this year’s International Auto Show. Last September, Tesla announced it will build the world’s largest battery factory just outside of Reno, Nevada. The company is calling it a “gigafactory,” which will produce batteries […]