
Meet the Oil Billionaire Shaping Donald Trump’s Energy Policy

Meet the Oil Billionaire Shaping Donald Trump’s Energy Policy

By Mark Floegel Fossil fuel billionaire and major fracking proponent Harold Hamm, who has Donald Trump‘s ear on energy and environmental issues, had a prime-time slot at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last tonight, also known as “Make America First Again” night. Left: Donald Trump, Photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Creative Commons. Right: Harold Hamm, […]

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    Obama Signs Industry-Backed GMO Label Bill Into Law

    Obama Signs Industry-Backed GMO Label Bill Into Law

    UPDATE: On Friday, July 29, President Obama signed into law S. 764, which overturns Vermont’s GMO label law and directs the Sec. of Agriculture to come up with a national labeling standard at some point in the next two to three years. UPDATE: The U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill by a 306-117 vote […]

    Republicans Escalate War on Attorneys General Over Exxon Climate Change Probe

    Republicans Escalate War on Attorneys General Over Exxon Climate Change Probe

    Rep. Lamar Smith, chairman of the House Science Committee, has subpoenaed two state attorneys general to obtain records of their investigations into whether ExxonMobil misled investors and the public on climate change risks. Rep. Lamar Smith, chairman of the House Science Committee Smith is among a group of GOP lawmakers who say the oil giant’s […]

    House Passes GMO Label Law, Advocates Urge Obama to Veto the DARK Act

    House Passes GMO Label Law, Advocates Urge Obama to Veto the DARK Act

    Today, Congress chose to favor the interests of the food industry over consumers’ right to know what’s in the food they eat and feed their families when the House approved the Senate’s version of the DARK Act. The bill now goes to President Obama. Here's what I'll do as President… revoke Vermont's #GMO labeling law […]

    Trump vs. the World on the Climate Crisis

    Trump vs. the World on the Climate Crisis

    A groundbreaking study was released today by the Sierra Club Political Committee showing Donald Trump would be the only world leader to deny the science and dangers of climate change if elected president. The data in the report shows that Trump could possibly be the only world leader not calling for urgent climate action. “Donald […]

    19 Senators Expose ‘Web of Denial’ Blocking Action on Climate Change

    19 Senators Expose ‘Web of Denial’ Blocking Action on Climate Change

    By Brendan DeMelle Nineteen U.S. Senators who understand the need to clear the PR pollution that continues to block overdue climate policy spoke out on the Senate floor Monday in support of the Senate Web of Denial Resolution calling out the destructive forces of fossil fuel industry-funded climate denial. Championed by Senators Whitehouse, Markey, Schatz, […]

    Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton

    Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton

    Bernie Sanders officially endorsed Hillary Clinton—a decision many Democrats have been waiting for—Tuesday morning at a joint campaign event in New Hampshire. During his endorsement speech, the Vermont senator said he intends to do everything in his power to ensure the former secretary of state is the next president of the U.S. Sanders began his […]

    Leaked Document Reveals Alarming New Environmental Threats of TTIP

    Leaked Document Reveals Alarming New Environmental Threats of TTIP

    This morning, as the most recent round of trade negotiations between the U.S. and European Union (EU) began in Brussels, the Guardian reported a leaked document from the EU that reveals its intentions to include new, dangerous language in the proposed energy chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Greensefa / Wikimedia A […]