Dalai Lama and Jimmy Carter Help Noam Chomsky Uncover Major Risks Humanity Faces From Pesticides


By Alexandra Rosenmann

Did you know that American companies are legally permitted to manufacture dangerous pesticides for export—even after the chemicals have been banned in the U.S.? There are policies that create a “circle of poison”; toxic chemicals traveling around the world, ironically imported back to the U.S. through foodstuffs we eat.

Circle of Poison, a groundbreaking documentary by Nick Capezzera, Evan Mascagni and Shannon Post, unveils the unrelenting corruption of this cycle. The film features interviews with Jimmy Carter, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, Patrick Leahy and the Dalai Lama, as well as footage from India, Mexico, Argentina, Bhutan and the U.S., in order to illustrate the global impact of the pesticide trade and how communities are fighting back.

“A standard argument against a healthy environment and other regulations in the country or for export is that it’s harmful to business, which of course it is,” Noam Chomsky said in the film. “If business can kill people freely, it’s a lot more profitable than if you have to pay attention to what you’re producing and look at the effects on people and so on.”

Watch: Exclusive clip from Circle of Poison:

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/179522567 expand=1]

“Major industries in this country … lead, asbestos, tobacco, have often succeeded for decades poisoning people quite consciously. They knew perfectly well that children are going to die of lead poisoning, but ‘you gotta make profit,'” Chomsky continued.

“And they’re right. It’s a system where you’re supposed to make profit … Like a CEO of a corporation is actually required by law to increase profit so they’re doing exactly what they have to do and, well, if the population suffers, that’s the cost of doing business. Although, by the time you get to export … the domestic population has become organized enough and active enough so they’re saying ‘you can’t kill us,'” Chomsky said.

“We sought out to take on a political issue that people from all walks of life, regardless of political affiliation, could agree was an important one and that needs to be addressed,” Director Evan Mascagni told AlterNet. “I was blown away by the fact that we would allow companies to continue to manufacture and export products that those companies could not safely and legally sell to customers within the United States.”

Circle of Poison will be available for streaming and download this fall.

This article was reposted with permission from our media associate AlterNet.

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