Neil Young and “Crazy Host,” aka Stephen Colbert, performed a duet version of Young’s new environmental song “Who’s Gonna Stand Up? (and Save the Earth)” last night on The Colbert Report.
With Colbert playing his usual straightman role dressed in a suit and tie, in contrast to Young’s sweatshirt emblazoned with the word “Earth,” the duo strummed acoustic guitars while Colbert contributed some distinctly non-environmentally friendly lyrics, impersonating a climate denier.
As Young sang “Protect the wild, tomorrow’s child; protect the land from the greed of man,” Colbert responded with verses like “What if the problem isn’t really real? I’m heavily invested, no thanks, Neil. The problem will probably fix itself if we just drill the Continental Shelf.”
“Who’s going to stand up and save the Earth?” sang Young.
“Not me!” responded Colbert.
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