Health + Wellness

Probiotics 101: Everything You Need to Know

Probiotics 101: Everything You Need to Know

By Kris Gunnars Did you know that the bacteria in your body outnumber your body’s cells 10 to 1? It’s true, and most of them reside in your gut. But there really is no need to panic, most bacteria are quite harmless. Probiotic foods include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, kimchi and others. Photo credit: Shutterstock […]

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    Striking Photos Show What Kids Around the World Eat for Lunch

    Striking Photos Show What Kids Around the World Eat for Lunch

    School lunches in the U.S. have just gotten a wake-up call: a series of images created by a New York-based healthy café chain, Sweetgreen, captured images of typical school lunches in the U.S. and eight other countries, and posted the images side-by-side on their website. A series of images created by a New York-based healthy café chain captured […]

    4 Natural Supplements That Are as Powerful as Drugs

    4 Natural Supplements That Are as Powerful as Drugs

    By Kris Gunnars Most supplements don’t really work, or at least haven’t been proven to work. However, there are some exceptions to this. In fact, a few supplements are so effective that they are comparable to pharmaceutical drugs. Here are four natural health boosting supplements that are as powerful as drugs (if not more): Garlic […]

    James Cameron Helps Launch America’s First Vegan School

    James Cameron Helps Launch America’s First Vegan School

    James Cameron—best known for directing “Aliens,” “Titanic,” “Terminator 2” and “Avatar”—is now behind the launch of America’s first vegan school. Cameron’s wife, Suzy, and her sister Rebecca, launched the MUSE School back in 2006. Now, the school is converting its menus to exclude all animal-derived foods. But the director is shying away from the word “vegan” […]

    12 Fruits and Veggies You Should Avoid (If Buying Non-Organic)

    12 Fruits and Veggies You Should Avoid (If Buying Non-Organic)

    Contrary to the old adage, an apple a day may not keep the doctor away. According to the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) 2015 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, apples topped the list as the most pesticide-contaminated produce for the fifth year in a row. Peaches and nectarines round out the top three “dirtiest” foods while […]

    3 Alternatives to Cow’s Milk for Kids

    3 Alternatives to Cow’s Milk for Kids

    Parents are increasingly choosing to feed their children alternatives to cow’s milk for a variety of reasons. Statistics now show that between 2 and 3 percent of all babies and young children are allergic to cow’s milk, and many more are lactose intolerant—serious health concerns that requires eliminating or limiting cow’s milk products in their diets. […]

    How to Get Your Kids to Eat Superfoods

    How to Get Your Kids to Eat Superfoods

    The inherent pickiness of children’s eating habits can pose challenges for parents every step of the way—we’re constantly brainstorming new ways to add healthy ingredients to meals, and present those healthy ingredients in ways that will convince kids to eat them. When it comes to superfoods—whole grains, legumes, nuts and vegetables with high amounts of […]

    How to Live a Joyful Life: 5 Lessons from Shamanism

    How to Live a Joyful Life: 5 Lessons from Shamanism

    I want to live a happy life. Most people do. But it can be bewildering. Our culture teaches us to strive after so many things that don’t lead to happiness. Money. Status. Power. Fame. Instant gratification. Material possessions. The perfect body. And on and on and on. “Shamanism” is an umbrella term that encompasses diverse […]