Is Big Food’s Lobbying Arm on the Brink of Extinction?

Is Big Food’s Lobbying Arm on the Brink of Extinction?

By Katherine Paul At the height of the GMO labeling battle, we not-so-fondly referred to the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) as “Monsanto’s Evil Twin.” Last week, a former GMA executive told Politico that to him, the food industry lobbying group seems like “the dinosaur waiting to die.” For consumers who blame the GMA for engineering […]

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    Oxford Study Attacks Regenerative Agriculture — Monsanto Ally?

    Oxford Study Attacks Regenerative Agriculture — Monsanto Ally?

    The British Empire has schooled the world in colonialism, with resulting devastation in India, Africa and the Americas. While the colonies’ revolutionary army was successful in defeating the British redcoats more than 240 years ago, today we face a new kind of threat from the United Kingdom. A University of Oxford think-tank, the Food Climate […]

    States Face Four-Year Backlog to Investigate Dicamba Damage Complaints

    States Face Four-Year Backlog to Investigate Dicamba Damage Complaints

    Just this year, more than three million acres of crops across the country have been reportedly damaged by a highly volatile and drift-prone herbicide, dicamba. That’s on top of the similar, widespread complaints from the year before. States such as Arkansas, Missouri and Illinois have now received so many reports of dicamba-linked crop damage that […]

    It’s a Fact: ‘Peel Back the Label’ Is Bound to Fail

    It’s a Fact: ‘Peel Back the Label’ Is Bound to Fail

    About 10 years ago, Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, rBST or rBGH, was in trouble. Leading dairy processors and major supermarket chains, such as Wal-Mart, Costco, Kroger and Safeway were banning the use of rBST in dairy production. Monsanto had big plans for rBST, which is injected into cows to increase milk production. But […]

    Your Candy Shouldn’t Be the Scariest Thing About Halloween

    Your Candy Shouldn’t Be the Scariest Thing About Halloween

    In just a few days, kids and adults alike will slip into fantastical costumes, adorn their homes with fake spider webs and plump pumpkins and gobble down sugary candy from dawn to dusk. This Halloween, you can avoid stomach-churning tricks in your treats by opting for organic and non-GMO candy. What’s in my candy? By […]

    Human Exposure to Glyphosate Has Skyrocketed 500% Since Introduction of GMO Crops

    Human Exposure to Glyphosate Has Skyrocketed 500% Since Introduction of GMO Crops

    Glyphosate—the most widely applied herbicide worldwide and the controversial main ingredient in Monsanto‘s star product Roundup—is not just found on corn and soy fields. This pervasive chemical can be detected in everyday foods such as cookies, crackers, ice cream and even our own urine. In fact, researchers from the University of California San Diego School […]

    European Parliament Votes to Ban Glyphosate in 28 Countries

    European Parliament Votes to Ban Glyphosate in 28 Countries

    The European Parliament, representing 28 countries and more than 500 million people, voted Tuesday in support of phasing out glyphosate over the next five years and immediately banning its use in households. “The European Parliament has correctly acknowledged the magnitude of glyphosate’s risks,” said Nathan Donley, a senior scientist with the Center for Biological Diversity. […]